• Resolved joingrowth


    I am about to create one of the two of these and needs some advice Fully featured ERC-721 NFT Marketplace with auction, selling and royalties in ERC-20 / BEP20 Token.
    or Fully featured ERC-721 NFT Marketplace with auction, selling and royalties in ERC-20 / BEP20 Token.
    I want to be able to have full marketplace with a token sale and using my own tokens for nft. Can that be done with these and minable tokens?
    I have a marketplace set up and minting already installed in my platform. It is not word press but my landing page is . The smart contract will work without using the plug in with it am I correct as well when it says with tokens i plan to do a tokens sale or ico with private investors of our group only so does this comes with the tokens or do i need a totally seperate contract for that using the erc20 standard token ? As well if people could give me their opinion on which network they think is the best for creating a nft market place on that will be specifically designed to help market tokens globally with all marketing tools possible to man and private groups because IU have been on polygon and am accustom to it but as of lately witty the scams been sort of turned off. Is there a better one using the plug that is more female friendly ?

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  • Hi,
    In my opinion the best was Gnosis but the new update has broken that among other things. The fees on Gnosis are very very low and the chain is stable. xDai is a solid currency as well but its a shame that this recent update has broken this.

    You can do a token sale using an external plugin called crypto product for woocommerce , install woocommerce and in the crypto product plugin settings add the chain details you want to use. Then you can use cryptopay woocommerce to accept crypto as payment and also add your own tokens if needed.

    Using this you can set things like the amount of units you want to sell, the timeframe to sell them in among other things.

    you simply add your coin / token as a product and then in the product settings you can set the contract address of your token . When the woocommerce order is set to complete, the tokens are automatically sent the the recipient wallet address.

    There is a fundraising section to this wpsmartcontracts plugin but it is very limited and does not give you the options to send tokens for contributions , it is just a straight fundraising option.

    Plugin Author WPSmartContracts



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