I’m having this same issue on a website I’ve inherited and which I do maintenance on. It has a Genesis child theme. There’s a notification to upgrade Genesis in the dashboard, but when I click on this I get a page saying ‘click here to complete the upgrade’, when I do this I’m re-directed to the theme settings page and the notification ‘Genesis 2.7.2 is available. Check out what’s new or update now.’ reappears at the top of the page and it hasn’t updated.
It also says that WordPress is up to date at 4.9.8, so no notification to upgrade to 5. I have tried ‘check again’, but says wordpress is up to date.
I was until about a month ago updating plugins, in fact I’m sure I updated some just a couple of weeks ago. However, I now notifications at the top of the dashboard about two premium plugins needing updates, however when I go to plugins these updates are not visible.
I’ve maintained this site for 3 years and never had any problems before. I have other sites using the same host and have experienced no problems upgrading Genesis or WordPress on these.
I’m going to investigate further and if I find a solution, I’ll post it here. If others can do the same it would be helpful for everyone. One of the problems I have is that even though I have a verified Genesis theme installed, because I didn’t build the site, I have no access to Genesis help and support/login.
I’m concerned as the client wants some major changes in the new year, I’d like the software to be up to date before I start these….
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help