Skippy, since you’re working on it now, I have a little suggestion for your Installation Instructions. I got it through trial-and-error.
Step #3 of your instruction… Clarify… Change to “Put wp-db-backup.php in your wp-content/plugins folder, and put the other 2 (?) files in the wp/content/backup/ directory you created. Then go to your Admin>Plugins page and Activate the plugin.” It was confusing to me, admittedly new at this, when the Installation Instructions included the line:
“Install and activate the plugin.”
I never had to do Step #2. I was afraid of that step before downloading, because I knew I did not understand. Where would I type those commands, if I needed to?
I love the plugin so far. It was MUCH easier to install than I feared when I was reading-up on it. Thank you.
Please be sure to read the installation instructions included in the zip file. For the impatient, here they are:
1. Create a directory /wp-content/backup/ inside your WordPress directory.
$ cd wordpress/wp-content
$ mkdir backup
2. Make this directory writable by your webserver.
$ chgrp www-data backup
$ chmod g+w backup
3. Insall and activate the plugin
4. Navigate to Manage -> Backup
5. Backup!