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  • Yeah, I have had no problems except for the switch from DST and I got 60 800k emails….



    I used this plugin with Wp-cron to back up my blogs nightly and e-mail them to me. good thing I did. My hard disk crashed and I had to rebuild both blogs, each of which have 300+ entries.

    One rebuild went off without a hitch. I used MySQL Administrator to restore the backup file and spent the next two days tweaking the theme (again; now it’s backed up daily, too). THANK YOU!

    But the other rebuild isn’t working. MySQL Administrator gives me the following error: “Error Loading Backup File.” I get a glimpse of a progress bar right before the message; it seems to move about 1/10-1/6 of the way through the file.

    Opened the file with a text editor, no problem. The file is large — 1.8 MB. I did not go through the whole thing because I don’t know what I’m looking for. I’m new to MySQL.

    Any suggestions? I’m using a Mac, so there are limits to the GUI tools available to me. I can type commands into the Mac’s Terminal application, right on the server, but I have no clue what to type.


    Was Dennisabm’s problem above ever solved?

    I’m having exactly the same issue — I’m using the 1.7 plugin that comes with WordPress 2.0; I’ve created the appropriate backup directory and set its permissions to 777. The backup gets to 6% and just hangs. Thanks.

    I too am having the same problem with 1.6 and 1.7 backup plug-in: at 12 or 14% completion it just stops.

    Any ideas?



    You are amazing! That fix worked. Thanks for the lead.


    Hi Skippy, I used your back-up plug-in 1.7 that comes with WP2.0. My host is updating WP to 2.02 so I wanted to back up my blog first. I got 2 errors when I ran it – my WordPress and my wp-contents directories were not writeable. So changed them to 777. Then I ran the back-up. It worked fine. I have a zipped .sql file safely on my computer. Then I changed the file permissions back to 755, but now, when I go to my blog, I only see a white page. What did I do wrong? My host won’t help me, because I didn’t use their back-up software. Has this happened to anyone before? Is 755 the correct file permission for my WordPress and wp-content directory?
    My blog is a

    To diagnose the problem, why not try changing permissions on wp-content/themes to 777 to see if that solves the white screen?

    I tried 777 for wp-content/themes but I still just get the white screen.

    Can someone post how to set up a cron job to auto backup and email me the file? I am using cron on my server not wp-cron

    I have wp 2.02 and database backup 1.7



    I’ve tried numerous times to backup using the Database Backup Plugin, but can never get it to work. I’m trying to download to my computer, and every time I click ‘Backup!’, I get the following error:

    “The backup file could not be saved. Please check the permissions for writing to your backup directory and try again.”

    Can anyone tell me what I’ve done wrong?

    Also, it doesn’t give me any option to specify the backup directory on my computer. ???

    Thanks in advance.

    Glenn Murray

    I just installed WordPress, with version 1.8 of this plugin. I just got it to run, took a couple of minutes, but the file it downloaded to my computer is only 4KB. I then logged in via FTP to check the folder it mentioned, and the folder is listed as 4KB, with the only thing inside being an index.php file that is 0KB. What’s going on?

    I have my wordpress directory at 777 and I’m still getting a permissions error. Any suggestions?

    Nevermind. I chown’d the wp-content dir to www-data and this is working for me now.

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