• I am getting this error for a new setup for my client. Can someone plase help — Thanks


    WordPress database error Table ‘hatchergroup.wp_options’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT INTO wp_options (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES (‘cron’, ‘a:2:{i:1222571399;a:1:{s:17:\”wp_update_plugins\”;a:1:{s:32:\”40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a\”;a:3:{s:8:\”schedule\”;s:10:\”twicedaily\”;s:4:\”args\”;a:0:{}s:8:\”interval\”;i:43200;}}}s:7:\”version\”;i:2;}’, ‘yes’) made by add_option WordPress database error Table ‘hatchergroup.wp_options’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT INTO wp_options (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES (‘random_seed’, ‘5fb08626f5d6cf732c434e5ed53aa13b’, ‘yes’) made by add_option WordPress database error Table ‘hatchergroup.wp_options’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT INTO wp_options (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES (‘auth_salt’, ‘GkrYjKewlRDd’, ‘yes’) made by add_option

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  • I made the proposed changes to the wp-includes/update.php file, and at least got through the initial installation. Thanks.

    However, now linking to Site Admin takes me to a directory listing of the wp-admin directory. Clicking the admin.php link delivers a blank page. Any ideas?

    EDIT: I forgot to add “index.php” to the Documents tab of the IIS config for this site. Stupid mistake, but I’m leaving this here for posterity.

    Hi anil_allagh,

    Thank you for your effort. Your post on “Copy and paste the following to your wp-include\update.php” did the trick.

    And Whooami,
    I am a webdesigner and with WordPress I can offer my customers a CMS. For that I have learned how to implement WordPress and am appreciating it more and more.
    But as an designer, and I assume most WordPress users, I have a limited knowledge of PHP/MySQL. That does not mean that we can’t use WordPress.
    Your comments could be less negative.
    Thanks again.

    Hi again,

    The installation of WordPress went fine.
    Only when I publish a post or a page I get an error. Something like Error, you can’t publish. Please try again.

    I have replaced alle the lines in the wp-includes/update.php with the code provided by anil_allagh.

    When I replace the update.php by the original one this error does not appear any more.

    Does anyone have an idea?
    I work with WordPress 2.6.3 on a Windows server.

    i got that error until I changed the extension activated in php.ini… it seems wordpress (for the configuration I have) doesn’t like php_mysqli.dll, so I commented it and activated php_mysql.dll (that was supposed to be the less suitable). this worked for me even if the style of the page did not load.

    hi all

    i am new to the wordpress. i tried to install wordpress in my server(personal website). while file transfer when it gets to wp-includes file it says file already exist and transfer failed but i checked every file is already there in my server. i created my database and change the wp-config file. the main problems is it doesn’t show anything when i browse my site.no error nothing i checked through my cpanel the database says there is no table in my database. i think it creates the table automatically in my understanding. hope i will get some help to install my wordpress. here is the url of my site https://www.shresthasuman.com.np

    many thanks

    i have the problem on wordpress 2.8.2
    any solution??

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