WordPress Do Not Support Media F?les?
Sorry but i want to try understand. I purchaed theme and its using Rtmedia. Its ok.
My user want to share any video or audi from own iphone or galaxy but cant because rtmedia do not support this format. (captured or saved video or audio by mobile)… rtmedia is thinking us because this encoding bring standadrt. So all files will be mp4… SO
https://rtmedia.io/audio-video-encoding-service/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=buddypress-media#q1Did i understand true? wordpress supports all formats but rtmedia want extra money for this? YES or NO? or my bad english dont undesrstand what i read, maybe?
If its really tue? which planet you living?, WHAT A DIRTY BUSINESS RELATION…
Where is the wordpress soul, we are same non-profit organization, we wish we could pay freelancer developer because everyday someone gets money for plugings. We feel like an kids, first you are showing sugar but when we want , you want money… What a great MARKETING. thank you developer…
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