• The Word Press Email Notification Plugin has been updated to version 2.2.


    Updates to this version:
    * Added a template option for HTML emails (a HUGE hat tip goes out to Jeff Mikels for this functionality)
    * Added option for admin to remove people from the list

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  • Still no answer to our question about the Dashboard, but as far as the notification goes while drafting posts, there should be a drop-down menu, underneath the text box, that asks if you want to notify everyone. Just select “No” before saving.

    I was having both the a€?Could not successfully run querya€? error as well as the

    Warning: main(/maillist/wpemn_config.php): failed to open stream: .
    No such file or directory in /home/globbor/public_html/sunnah/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/index.php on line 19
    Warning: main(/maillist/wpemn_config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/globbor/public_html/sunnah/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/index.php on line 19
    Warning: main(): Failed opening ‘/maillist/wpemn_config.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/globbor/public_html/sunnah/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/index.php on line 19

    errors that some people were reporting and was able to get both resolved by doing the following:

    Backed up entire WordPress folder and database (https://codex.www.ads-software.com/WordPress_Backups) just in case.
    Deactivated the Email notification plugin.
    Deleted maillist and wp-email-notification folders.
    Dropped the wp_email_list and the wp_email_list_config tables from my WordPress database using phpMyAdmin.
    Uploaded maillist folder to the root of my WordPress folder and uploaded wp-email-notification folder to my WordPress plugins folder.
    Chmod 666 wpemn_config.php in the maillist folder.
    Commented out line 19 in wp-email-notification/index.php :

    /* If maillist isn’t located at your web root this will need to be changed */
    // include (“$DOCUMENT_ROOT/maillist/wpemn_config.php”);

    Uncommented line 22 of wp-email-notification/index.php:

    /* If your maillist directory is located in your wordpress directory, you can use this instead of line 19 */
    include (ABSPATH.”/maillist/wpemn_config.php”);

    Ran the install script yoursite.com/your_wordpress_directory/maillist/install.php
    Used yoursite.com/your_wordpress_directory as Site URL and Blog URL on install

    Activated the plugin and everything was looking good. Ia€?m no PHP programmer so I recommend backing everything up first.You can see it in action on the a€?Baby Bloga€? I built for my son a€“ https://loudlove.com/wordpress.

    Cool! Does this plugin also supports to add mails manually? Some of the editors use different e-mail adresses for example and if i want to send them an update i’d like to mail them on both theire accounts so they can read it quickly.

    It does support adding or removing emails manually. It adds “Email Notifications” on the Options tab of your Admin area to allow you to import addresses, export addresses, remove addresses, email list subscribers and update settings.

    Just installed the plugin and love it!! I do have one question though… Is there any way to make this work with the Post-levels plugin? Say I have posts that only level 2 users can see. It would be great if I could send notification to subscribers that are of the appropriate user level. But I don’t know if that is possible since those posts get marked as private?

    I really hope that babble made sense. I’m going on no sleep right now. LOL

    what about email verification?

    Okay this is a stupid question. Do I have to manually create the database myself and then fill in what it needs on install.php or is the install.php supposed to do that for me. Because when I run the install.php I get all sorts of weird cannot write to database errors.

    These are the errors I get in the admin section:

    Warning: main(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/maillist/wpemn_config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/frankli:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/frankli/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/index.php on line 19


    Okay I got everything to work correctly EXCEPT: It’s not sending the emails. I can sign up and email verificaitons gets sent correctly everything else seems to work except for sending. The weird thing is that I have the default send status set to “yes” yet it always appears as “no” on my write page. I change it to yes and it appears no when page refreshes. When I even first go to the page it appears as “no” even though I have it set as yes. Wonder if that has anything to do with it.

    I have a problem with it too – I keep getting this error:

    Notice: Undefined index: action in C:\Sites\Single22\chomratana\webroot\maillist\index.php on line 18

    Notice: Undefined index: id in C:\Sites\Single22\chomratana\webroot\maillist\index.php on line 19

    Notice: Undefined index: addr in C:\Sites\Single22\chomratana\webroot\maillist\index.php on line 20

    Warning: mail(): “sendmail_from” not set in php.ini or custom “From:” header missing in C:\Sites\Single22\chomratana\webroot\maillist\index.php on line 217
    Thanks for subscribing.
    You will receive an email shortly to confirm your subscription.
    Once you confirm your subscription you will begin to receive
    notifications whenever cheeseballonline.com is updated.

    Anyone know what that’s about?

    I downloaded v2.3.1, but am stuck at the ‘Chmod 666 yousite.com/maillist/wpemn_config.php.

    I have absolutely how to accomplish that task. Can someoe please help

    Having trouble with the initial install.
    I created the DB through cpanel before installation, then inserted the respective name/user/password into the installation.

    Under Manage > Email Notification, I see what I think is normal, but below it reads:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘yirahcom_maillist.wp_posts’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE TRIM(to_ping) != ” LIMIT 1

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘yirahcom_maillist.wp_postmeta’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT post_id FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘_pingme’ OR meta_key = ‘_encloseme’ LIMIT 1

    Hi, I am using v.2.3.1 and I have problems making it send out e-mails on new posts. More info:

    1) Plugin actived without any issues.
    2) E-mails get verified all right, when one subscribes.
    3) E-mails do go out and get delivered when I go to Admin > Manage > E-mail List Subsribers.
    4) I make all my posts Private.

    I just checked and the notification works if I make a post Public, not Private. Is there a way to make it work for Private Posts as well?

    I am getting this error message when users try to subscribe via the form which I’ve placed in my sidebar:

    Warning: mail(): “sendmail_from” not set in php.ini or custom “From:” header missing in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\infolit\maillist\index.php on line 217
    Thanks for subscribing.
    You will receive an email shortly to confirm your subscription.

    Do I need to change a setting at line 217 in index.php?


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