• I am trying to update a marketing page so that a short list of items is at the top, and each has a hot link to expanded information about each item farther down, on the same page.
    I followed the instructions on this web page
    except I did not put See? in, but left that part empty.
    I get a page-missing message from my website provider when I click on the link.
    What I did was:
    <a id="poems1"></a>for the jump-to point, and
    <a href=poems1">Jump to Cold Comes Through</a> for the jump-from point.
    What have I missed? It appears that the page I’m on has URL
    and the jump generated in WordPress does not have the ?page_id part in it.
    Please help.

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  • Not quite right – the id has to be part of the HTML tag for the element you want to jump to – so for example if a paragraph:

    <p id=poems1> for the jump-to point </p>

    And you need to use a hashtag for an ID:

    <a href="#poems1"> Jump to Book 1</a>
    Thread Starter Jim Bennett


    There must be some information missing. When I edit my page using WordPress ‘text’ I can see much of the html, but there are no <p> tags visible in the source at all. If I load my webpage in Firefox ‘normally’ and use tools.Developer.view source, the <p … > tags are there. Does this mean that WordPress ‘makes these tags up’ before sending them to my browser, but does not show me them in the editor??
    Please help. I really want this feature for my website.
    Jim Bennett

    If you use the visual editor, yes, paragraph tags are added. But they should be visible in the text editor.

    But my example using paragraph applies to any element – you can also use span tags if the jump/link is to an inline element.

    If this still isn’t working, can you specific the page and where?

    Thread Starter Jim Bennett


    I don’t understand why you don’t believe a simple statement. I said, paragraph tags are not visible in the text editor of WordPress. I said, paragraph tags are visible in View Source of the same page in FireFox.

    Here are a few lines from FireFox..Tools..Web Developer … Page Source.

    <div class="entry-content">
    		<p>Here is a list of all my books that are available now. You can scroll down, or use search, to reach each book.</p>
    <p><strong>Cold Comes Through</strong></p>
    <p><strong>Behind the Lime Kilns: Poems 2</strong></p>
    <p><strong>Hard Landing: Poems 3</strong></p>

    Here is the same thing in the WordPress Editor, Text option:

    Here is a list of all my books that are available now. You can scroll down, or use search, to reach each book.
    <strong>Cold Comes Through</strong>
    <strong>Behind the Lime Kilns: Poems 2</strong>
    <strong>Hard Landing: Poems 3</strong>
    <strong>The Scroll of the Violin: Poems 4</strong>

    As you can see, there are no visible <p tags anywhere in the WordPress text.
    What I need is a simple recipe, a set of instructions, that will allow me to add a link to each book title, which will jump to that book’s description farther down the page.
    How do I do this in the WordPress ‘text’ editor?
    Please help.

    Thread Starter Jim Bennett


    I am still stuck. Surely one of you WordPress gurus can make (write yourself) a simple page Using WordPress Text or Visual editor, please; with the following on it:
    some text
    some text introducing a hot-link to a jump within the same wordpress non-blog page
    more text
    some text which is the target for the hot-link above
    actually try it on WordPress, and when it works, tell me how so I can do it.
    I’ve tried different suggested methods but none work.
    Again, please help.

    other junk
    <a href="#pageofjunk">page of junk</a>
    more junk
    <a id="pageofjunk"></a>
    This is a page of junk.
    Thread Starter Jim Bennett


    If I do the above on WordPress using visual editor, I get this on my View Page:
    Cold Comes Through Jump to this book
    and this
    My fourth selection
    In other words, the ‘magic words’ aren’t interpreted by the browser.
    If I do this using the text editor, I get this on my View Page:
    Cold Comes Through [in blue] Jump to this book
    and the hotlink, when hovered over, says jim-bennett.ca?pageid=66#poems4
    the link does not work when clicked on (nothing happens), and NOTHING shows up where I put the
    Again, please help.
    In summary:
    The visual editor ‘escapes’ the < > et cetera so the browser does not act on them. All the control codes appear as text on the web page as displayed by FireFox.
    In the text editor,
    Creation of the jumping-off place could be working. Creation of the jumping-to target seems to generate nothing
    Again, please help.

    Thread Starter Jim Bennett


    If I do the above in the WordPress visual editor, the <> characters all appear as text in the web page. In other words, the FireFox browser does not act on them.
    If I do the above in the WordPress text editor, the jumping-off place generates blue text and a page reference that looks something like jim-bennett.ca?page_id=66#poems4.
    clicking on this link produces no action, and the landing-place code generates nothing visible on the browser.
    Again, please help.

    Both are correct for me in the view page. https://www.ourexcellentadventures.com/page-anchor-test/#pageofjunk

    We best do a basic debug.
    – deactivating all plugins (yes, all) to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).
    – switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    Thread Starter Jim Bennett


    I only have Akismet as a plugin and it is not activated. It is out of date but I never activated it. No other plugins are listed.
    My theme is WordPress Twenty Eleven version 1.4.
    You can see my page source at
    and tell me what I did wrong.
    I put in the href= and id= entries . Search for #poems4 which occurs only in two places.
    Why does this not work?
    Please help. Again, the blue link appears but it does not jump when clicked. I know, yours does, so what is different about mine?
    Note that I cannot control everything from the WordPress editor; it adds paragraph controls that are not visible in text edit page.
    Again, please help.

    The anchor (where it jumps to) should not have a #.

    When using the editor it is best to stay in visual or text. Switching back and forth can cause problems. You might want to look at the plugin TinyMCE Advanced to give you more options while editing.

    Thread Starter Jim Bennett


    I changed the ‘anchor’ and the goto now works.
    Thanks very much.
    I intend to use visual for almost everything. I only use text editing when I’m in a bind. However for this page, what I need to do re goto is quite limited. I’ll add another jump for every new book.
    Thanks again. Much appreciated.

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