WordPress Install Issues
I am installing WP 4.9.4 on Windows, have PHP 7.2.3 working when I connect to phpinfo in the browser. When I go to run wordpress install and it asks for the password and username to create the wp-config file, but fails. I get an error that it can’t connect to the database. I can connect fine by doing a testconnection.php. So, I created the wp-config by hand.
Now, i get the following error…
“WordPress database error Table ‘wp_database.wp_options’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT INTO
) VALUES (‘nonce_key’, ‘qznisAjIN+^~|CE[|#K M#[email protected]?<[ev>_bAmaI?ZR3(7LCu_c+4gy’, ‘no’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
= VALUES(option_name
= VALUES(option_value
= VALUES(autoload
) made by wp_can_install_language_pack, WP_Upgrader->fs_connect, Automatic_Upgrader_Skin->request_filesystem_credentials, WP_Upgrader_Skin->request_filesystem_credentials, request_filesystem_credentials, wp_nonce_field, wp_create_nonce, wp_hash, wp_salt, update_site_option, update_network_option, add_network_option, add_option WordPress database error Table ‘wp_database.wp_options’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT INTOwp_options
) VALUES (‘nonce_salt’, ‘/GoA)>3[~26uvP*X4rM qs(fj?l6r{g6[YEwo^X0|d=u5{lC=q1F0RZjLD4hoO@]’, ‘no’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEoption_name
= VALUES(option_name
= VALUES(option_value
= VALUES(autoload
) made by wp_can_install_language_pack, WP_Upgrader->fs_connect, Automatic_Upgrader_Skin->request_filesystem_credentials, WP_Upgrader_Skin->request_filesystem_credentials, request_filesystem_credentials, wp_nonce_field, wp_create_nonce, wp_hash, wp_salt, update_site_option, update_network_option, add_network_option, add_option”I have tried to google and search the forums and I am at a total loss. Any help would be appreciated.
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