So far after reading numerous articles and viewing as many word press sites as possible i have not seen a single theme or layout that is worthy of a commercial site.
I chalk that up to being one of those things attributable to being in the eye of the beholder. In other words, there are thousands of very professional sites running WordPress. Additionally, you need to consider that themes, largely speaking, are free. Most commercial endeavors, being commercial, pay to have a custom theme done — they dont opt for a free theme.
One thing WordPress strives for, as do most theme authors is sematically correct code. Ie, the sites validate to web standards – I can find plenty of business sites that dont validate – your own is just one. (No jab intended, it was just an easy point to make.)
Its all in the eye of the eye of the beholder. Honest.
Am I wrong in assuming WP is capable of being called a CMS?
WordPress is, first and foremost, a blogging tool. I dont care what anyone else says, here are Matt’s own words:
WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on hundreds of thousands of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.
That is not say that it cannot be CMS-like, or that many of the fucntions that are found in a CMS cannot be found in WordPress, etc, etc.. just that it’s built to be a blog.
Why does wordpress use such rediculous words to describe everything? Blogroll instead of links? Ping? slug?
Most terminology used is specific to the application, and widely understood amongst the audience that uses the tool. That’s like asking a mechanic why an alternator is called an alternator.
For instance, in the case of the blogroll — its not called links, because that isnt all it is. A list of links is nothing BUT that.
The definition of the word blogroll: “a list of links on a blog” is outdated since the actual blogroll function has evolved into much more than simple list.
Can someone show me a wordpress site that is comparable to something that is made by joomla (or similar) or am i getting completely lost because wp is not a CMS?
I dont use Joomla, I never have, but I am sure that I can find you plenty of Joomla sites that I, personally, think look like crap as easy as I can find you a wordpress site that looks like something made using joomla.
I dont mean to sound negative …
If you dont mean it, you sure sound it, and wouldnt need to qualify your remarks if you didnt know it ??
All i want to do is create a nice clean site with a hellof a lot of content for site users.
See above.
Here’s a great link too, right out of the horse’s mouth (so to speak):
The above link is intended to explain the core differences between a blog and a cms — I am not suggesting that WordPress wouldnt work for you. But it’s good to know what you are walking into before you open the door.
Additionally, you might want to poke around the demo if you havent already: