WordPress Is Nice But… Website or Blog?
I don’t know what the exact percentage is but a lot of people who use WordPress want to make a website not a blog or weblog.
What I don’t understand is why there isn’t a simple setting within WordPress (and I don’t mean any specific theme) where you can make one selection in the administration panel and just change the whole site to look like a real website. That means removing all references to comments, time and date, author, modified, posted by, posted in, or whatever else it is that makes it look like a blog.
To me it seems simple and it’s the first thing I get asked whenever I use WordPress to build a website or blog for anyone. They don’t seem to be too specific. They either want a blog or a website. Only a few what it to look like a website and have one link that says blog.
Why is that so hard to understand? I get the idea of themes. People tell me, “Oh you just need to find the right theme and customize it yourself”. That seems absurd to me. In my search for all the different complicated plugins and changing the code in the appearance editor to make it look like a website (with no blog details) I am amazed at how utterly brilliant all these designers are. Yet I can’t understand why no one with these skills hasn’t figured out how to put one setting in the Admin panel that will work with all themes to select between website or blog.
Also whenever something like this comes up in the forum you get the same response from the experts. They say, “You’re asking the wrong question”. I’ve always been told there are no wrong questions. And some of the dumbest people, village idiots and children ask the most important questions. You should always listen to these people if you want to hear the truth. At first you may want to enlighten them on your extensive knowledge on just exactly why the emperor is not wearing clothes. I’m sure there’s a million reasons. But in the end he’s still standing there naked in front of everyone.
Where’s the simple setting to make it look like a website? If anyone has any suggestions or ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
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