• Does anyone else have a problem with WordPress running slow, I mean really slow to open different Posts & Pages. I don’t know if the problem is with my (Sympatico) Hi Speed, or with my web servers (NetFirms – Advantage) Bandwidth?

    I have two main pages:
    1- WEB LINKS – These are all HTML’s, they run fine (I think)
    2- BUSINESS LINKS – This is WordPress, run Extremely Slow (I think)

    Can someone look at the Web Site and let me know how everything runs for you, and what problems you see:

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  • It is very slow. How many plugins are you running?

    Yeah… pretty slow dude.

    Your homepage has about 200K of items whereas your blog has 2000K of items, 10 times the size! This is a key factor.

    Most of this is coming from the images in your scroller, they are about 100-200K each, and the scroller is probably pre-loading them on-top of this, hence a delay. You should optimize them.

    Also you have a few JavaScripts, namely jQuery, prototype and google maps which all look weighty.

    And your website is WordPress how? Did I miss something?

    <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 11">
    <meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 11">

    Hi alism, it’s strange that I only see top frame supposedly a header and the footer in Google Chrome, content area is blank for some reason or another yet I see in source that arras theme is being used.

    Stranger still, at the home page of link given in first post, I only see the site (with source given above) with black background and so many many links that I didn’t even notice a link to the blog. Oh well …

    mercime, seeing exactly the same as you. Took me a while to find that link too!

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