This post is about a possible solution.
I encountered the same 404 problem even though I FTP and change my wp-config file according to WordPress and other guru website instructions.
I initially FTP all my wordpress thingies into:
With that I happily tried installing wordpress using:
After a split second of anticipation, 404 Error! The requested URL /wordpress/wp-admin/install.php was not found on this server!
I spent hours researching for solutions, I relooked my wp-config file again and again, I changed the permissions of my whole wordpress directory to 777, I checked using DirectAdmin’s file manager that the install.php file was indeed in the directory, I was frustrated to the max!
After a night of frustrated sleep, I woke up half dreaming about Harry Potter 6 the movie. Still in a dreamy daze when I log on to the internet to try the installation once again, I recalled a Harry Potter poster advertising the movie as HP6 instead of Harry Potter 6. That’s where I get the inspiration for the solution!
The solution is changing the sub-directory name to a shorter name (or maybe some other longer names will also do). Thus instead of:
I changed mine to:
It works! I have now installed my wordpress 2.8!
I still have no idea why the old sub-directory ( does not work.
Hope this solution helped you. Do drop by my blog if you are interested in fashion and styling. Have a good day!