Might as well post the details here as well: Hope to see you there!
Due to the success of the last WordPress Meetup at the beautiful San Juan Memorial Library, we are in full gear for the next South Texas WordPress Meetup?scheduled for July 28th, 2012. ?This time, however, we are planning on offering two WordPress Meetups in one day! The following are the details.
WordPress Meetup Details
The general public is invited to attend the WordPress Meetup at the San Juan Memorial Library, located at 1010 S Standard St. in San Juan, Texas.
There will be two sessions:
Morning Meetup for Beginners, Novice, or the Curious (9 A.M. to 12 P.M.)
- We will go over the basics of WordPress, how to set up a development environment, install WordPress, setup a theme, plugins, and content. ?If you have wanted to create a Website for your business, this is the perfect place to be.
- Presented by Jorge Saldívar,?RGV Web Pro
Afternoon Meetup for Advanced WordPress Users and Developers (1 P.M. to 4 P.M.)
- In this portion, the group will discuss, in detail; WordPress plugins, PHP, MySQL, WordPress Hooks, and the plugin repository. ?Depending on the presenter, the group may have an option to write a plugin in real-time.
- Presented by?Amanda Bourbois, MPC Studios
EVERYONE IS INVITED! ?From Rio Grande City to Brownsville, Texas – we hope you can make it out to these events! ?If you cannot make it out, get in touch with me to help setup a WordPress Meetup in your area.
There is absolutely no fee to attend these events! ?Any help developers offer the noobs?during the even is free of charge, HOWEVER, they do not provide free support after the event.
Currently we do not have Spanish translation at the event: if you, or someone you know may be interested in helping translate, please contact me as soon as possible.
Thank-you to the City of San Juan and the Memorial Library for once again providing their facilities at no cost, and for embracing the South Texas open-source community!
EDIT: Advanced WordPress presenter has been added. ?Additionally, links to respective firms have been added.