Andrea, the problem is that I use a lot of PHP code on my pages.
I use the “phpexec.php” plugin now; this works in the classic editor, but for now on not in the Gutenberg editor.
I am trying to switch my PHP to “Insert PHP Code Snippet”, but sometimes it works and sometimes I get errors; e.g. the page select a week and the form submit this to the page
There I use the submitted dates to pass them to a external page using this code to show the result:
if(empty($_POST[‘submit’])) {header(“location: /kalperweekform”);}
$startdag = $_POST[‘KBVB_datumvan_dag’];
$startmaand = $_POST[‘KBVB_datumvan_maand’];
$startjaar = $_POST[‘KBVB_datumvan_jaar’];
$date = new DateTime($startjaar.’-‘.$startmaand.’-‘.$startdag);
$datum=$date->modify(‘+6 day’);
$datum = date_format($date,”d-m-Y”);
$arr = explode(‘-‘, $datum);
$einddag = $arr[0];
$eindmaand = $arr[1];
$eindjaar = $arr[2];
echo “Gekozen week van: ” .$startdag. “-” .$startmaand. “-” .$startjaar. ” tot: ” .$einddag. “-” .$eindmaand. “-” .$eindjaar. “<br>”;
To show the first iframe (because this is data of an external site and can only be reached by using an iframe) I use then:
<iframe width=”560″ height=”1050″ id=”f1″ name=”f1″ src=”<phpcode>
<?php echo $startdag ?>
<?php echo $startmaand ?>
<?php echo $startjaar ?>
<?php echo $einddag ?>
<?php echo $eindmaand ?>
<?php echo $eindjaar ?>
</phpcode>” scrolling=”yes”></iframe>
Using the classic editor this works but switching to the Gutenberg editor results in en error.
I have tried to replace <phpcode><?php with [insert_php] and ?></phpcode> with [/insert_php] and I get errors.
Therefore i had the idea to make an own template for the page to avoid the use of the extra tags <phpcode> and [insert_php]; but then my menubar “jeugdmenu” is not present as e.g. on the page
Perhaps I do not understand well how to make an template (I use the theme responsivepro-child) or I have to be patience until all plugins are upgraded?