I got lucky on my first try. It was indeed a plugin conflict. It was Social Metrics Pro. Cron Gui lets you see what crons are running but that’s it. I switched to Simple Cron which lets you delete and and cron jobs within WordPress. I found a wb_cron_job, after searching found it belonged to WordBooker which had been installed and removed. I deleted the process, so still had the problem. I’d recommend being very very careful if you are messing with cron jobs in WordPress. I’m not sure how’d you go about restoring them if you deleted the wrong one.
I got the idea of checking cron since to send out the digest S2 calls subscribe2_cron():
if ( 'never' == $this->subscribe2_options['email_freq'] ) {
$post = get_posts('numberposts=1');
$this->publish($post[0], $user_email);
} else {
I thought that it might be a cron process that is interfering with the Send Preview Email when digest is selected. That narrowed down the number of plugins to try first. I discussed the plugin conflict with the site owner and the first one I mentioned was Social Metrics Pro. He said they didn’t need that one, so I turned it off and tested it. Preview sent. So my suggestion is if Subscribe2 can send emails (verifying it in Email Log) using the Send Email function and For each Post but not Once Hourly, Once Daily, etc, then it is most likely a plugin cron conflict and using a cron monitoring plugin like Simple Cron will help you narrow down the plugin culprit (this site has 27 active plugins).