• I have the plugin installed and configured.

    When I go to wp-login, I can select Shibboleth and authenticate.
    My user is created in wordpress (I know this by inspecting it by logging in with the native admin user).

    The problem is that when I login, it simply takes me back to the wp-login page. I can see the Shib session is active; The user is created from the HEADER variables, yet wordpress does not regcognize the user when I try to browse to wp-admin. Instead it takes me to the login page.

    I don’t understand why I can’t access wp-admin.

    I have the global setting ‘allow users to register’ off and I also do not have ‘use shibboleth for default login’ option enabled.

    I have tested this on a couple of different instances, with no luck. I can see the user created after authentication, the Shibboleth session is active but the user session is not recognized by WordPress.

    A few more details on my setup:
    Debian 8.0(Jessie) with the following packages:
    wordpress 3.9.1+dfsg-1
    libapache2-mod-shib2 2.5.3+dfsg-1+b1
    php5 5.6.0~b5+dfsg-4
    mysql 5.5.37-1
    apache 2.4.9-2

    I also found this error in my Apache logs which I assume has to be related (site obfuscated). It looks like a shib hook/action failing, which I assume must be where wordpress is failing. Could this be a SQL syntax bug?

    [Wed Jul 02 11:12:57.825900 2014] [:error] [pid 23338] [client] WordPress database error Table ‘wordpress.wp_blogs’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT blog_id AS id, CONCAT(domain, path) AS site FROM wp_blogs made by wp_signon, wp_authenticate, apply_filters(‘authenticate’), call_user_func_array, shibboleth_authenticate, shibboleth_authenticate_user, shibboleth_get_user_roles, shibboleth_get_sites, W3_Db->query, W3_DbCache->query, W3_DbCallUnderlying->query, W3_Db->query, W3_DbProcessor->query, W3_Db->default_query


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