• Hello!
    I’ve installed WordPress OpenID and after I’ve tried to activate it I’ve got this error message

    Warning: fopen(/mywebsite_directory/wp-content/uploads/php.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied in mywebsite_directory/wp-content/plugins/openid/Log/file.php on line 216

    How can it be fixed?

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  • Thread Starter aborisov


    It’s me, again.
    This error message I’ve got after I’ve tried to deactivate WordPress OpenID Plugin

    WordPress database error: [Specified key was too long. Max key length is 500]
    CREATE TABLE wp_openid_associations ( server_url varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1, handle varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1, secret blob, issued int(11), lifetime int(11), assoc_type varchar(64), PRIMARY KEY (server_url(255),handle) )

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘server_url’]
    ALTER TABLE wp_openid_nonces ADD UNIQUE KEY server_url (server_url(255),timestamp,salt)

    WordPress database error: [Unknown table ‘wp_openid_associations’]
    drop table wp_openid_associations

    WordPress database error: [Unknown table ‘wp_openid_settings’]
    drop table wp_openid_settings

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /mywebsite_path/wp-includes/wp-db.php:133) in /mywebsite_path/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 329

    It was deactivated anyway.

    I replied to your bug report at https://dev.wp-plugins.org/ticket/718

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