• I would love to transfer my website from WordPress over to my own PHP/SQL site.

    I am not sure about security though. Could I really screw myself with a popular website and any enemies?

    [Remarks moderated]

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  • Moderator t-p


    I would love to transfer my website from WordPress over to my own PHP/SQL site.

    Please be a little more descriptive. The more details you can provide, the likelier you are to get a solution/suggestion from someone…


    Hi thelackof, First of all this a voluntary community which means none of us are liable to help you but we still do help each other out and that’s the beauty of WordPress community. I would request you to be a more polite. Providing detailed question helps people to answer more specifically ??

    I guess this would a good starting point for youInstalling WordPress, Please note WordPress requires – PHP version 5.6 or greater and MySQL version 5.5 or greater.

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