• Resolved art137


    Where are the WordPress pages for the webinar? I want my webinar page to be an actual page that I can customize with Elementor but this plugin does not create the pages or are they hidden? I would like to upgrade but I need to know if I will be able to customize every page to work with my site/s

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author WPWebinarSystem


    Hi, thanks for your message

    You can create your own 100% customized registration and thank you pages but the actual webinar page is generated in WebinarPress.

    You can customize the look and feel by opening the visual editor.

    Would that work for you or do you need to override the entire page?

    Thread Starter art137


    Thank you for your time, I know you guys are busy,
    I would like to have my own pages that I can control the layout, permalinks structure, optimization. The way it is there’s not a way to optimize the post type or control it. With Elementor I can design a template and assign it to a page to correlate with the rest of the websites SEO. Hope I’m making sense…;-)

    Plugin Author WPWebinarSystem


    I totally understand where you are coming from.

    For the registration pages you can use Registration Widgets in WebinarPress Pro to create your own custom pages using Elementor which will let you have full control over the page content and SEO/links/etc.

    You can read more about registration widgets here:

    I don’t think it’s a concern for SEO for the live webinar page because the page only available to attendees that are registered and logged so search engines should never see it.

    You can also change the permalink structure in WebinarPress’ settings, by default it’s /webinar but it can be whatever you like, and you can change the URL of each webinar individually in the webinar’s settings page.

    Thread Starter art137


    Thank you, and for the registration widgets, I would be able to use custom CSS and edit the code/shortcode if I need to? As far as the webinar page I actually wouldn’t want that hidden from search. That should be an option. Private or not I would still want that page indexed because of what it can do for website authority when it comes to page rank. This is why I would like control over the optimization, SEO, etc.

    Plugin Author WPWebinarSystem


    > I would be able to use custom CSS and edit the code/shortcode if I need to?

    Most of the elements in the registration widget have their own CSS class that you can customize, failing that you can wrap the widget in your own custom class to target specific elements/classes.

    > As far as the webinar page I actually wouldn’t want that hidden from search.

    The URL is always available but if the attendee is not registered/logged then the registration page will be loaded instead. In the case of a custom registration page the visitor will be redirected to that page instead.

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