If not then hit the ‘add new’ button. You’ll find yourself in a preview page full of themes. See if something there catches your eye… if not then move to the popular list. And on and on and on.
These are all themes that have been ‘vetted’ by the users of WordPress and have passed some testing for suitability with the WordPress system. They may not look exactly the same on your site but you’ll get an idea of what the site might look like as you ‘preview’ and the possibilities are there to super configure the theme into exactly what you want.
My goto themes are Twenty Seventeen for my utility sites… Twenty Thirteen for custom production sites. And Frontier if I need to show a lot of posts in a segmented theme. Occasionally, I’ll see a theme I like and use it or my clients might have chosen a theme they wanted.
Don’t sweat picking a theme too much. Themes are a dime a dozen and can be changed on the fly without hurting your site… though you might have to do some configuration work to get your menus, sidebars, widgets, and content to look the way you wish.
]]>You’re asking for people’s opinions about “reliable & reputable vendors” and that’s not for here. Also that’s a spam magnet and that’s not for here either.
Feel free to ask on a different site just not on this one.