• WordPress should add Post Activity Statistics and Vote System to Topics on www.ads-software.com(especially Plugin Support Forum).

    What should include this feature?
    – Impressions (including guest views too)
    – Total engagements (only logged in users)
    – Post expands (forum post open & read, users not see only the topic title)
    – Vote question(plugin developers will know what is more important of theirs users)
    – Show accepted answers(by most voted on top)
    – Awards(points) for voted questions and for accepted answers(will involve quality to be on top)
    – Lose reputation option too(voted negative question, duplicate , etc)
    – Option to “sell” with points(won by awards) to get an fast and quality answer(it involve a lot of quality answers).
    – WordPress to create a hierarchy based on earned points that will open for users new facilities.
    – Sort support topics by most views & by most voted support questions – this will avoid “the same question” to be asked 1000 times and will show valuble content!

    Why is this required?
    -Will encourge all plugin developers to answer to a valuble post(views & voted), will see how many other users are intersted too.

    Lets be honest: What I specified above is a combination between Stack Overflow & Twitter => The best-thought system of quality and involvement.

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Voting system…?

    Lets be honest: What I specified above is a combination between Stack Overflow & Twitter => The best-thought system of quality and involvement.


    *Has coffee and calms down*

    Aside from sock puppets (which I hate with an extreme passion) the other thing I personally loathe is gamification.

    It’s close though in terms of my disliking it almost as much as sock puppetry. Gamification ruins community and this suggestion is a bad idea. IMHO. We get enough of that in the review section.

    *Has more coffee, coffee is good*

    Why is this required?
    -Will encourge all plugin developers to answer to a valuble post(views & voted), will see how many other users are intersted too.

    That’s not how community works here and any author who needs that is in the wrong place. That may sound harsh but the user who posts the same question as others have a thousand times is still as valued as the user who asks an amazingly good question.

    These forums are not a ticket system. They’re a problem solving board specific to code hosted on this site. Meaning WordPress, plugins and themes. Anyone trying to use it for something else is making a mistake.

    (especially Plugin Support Forum)

    You can already see active topics in plugin support forums like so.


    In the plugin’s support forum sidebar is a link to “Active” topics.

    Thread Starter Marius


    I respect your opinion, even if I disagree with it.

    Do you know the old Nokia mobile phone company?(Similar statement with your “sock puppetry”).
    That company, Nokia was number 1 in mobile phones in her time.
    Do you know why this company no longer exists on the market?
    Because they didn’t adapt to news!

    My friend, do not hate “gamification” because the life itself is a game.


    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Can you explain the problem you saw in more detail?

    -encourge all plugin developers to answer to a valuble post

    I’ve not seen plugin authors discriminate against people in that way.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Andrew Nevins.
    Thread Starter Marius


    Nobody talks about discrimination, why do you interpret in this way?
    In our days, In my opinion, forums become outdated.
    Vote mean democracy and awards(points) obtained providing quality content goes to progress.

    In the last 20 years I’ve seen a lot of big platforms who were on the wave and which subsequently lamentably failed …

    You never really know what’s coming. A small wave, or maybe a big one. All you can really do is hope that when it comes, you can surf over it, instead of drown in its monstrosity.”
    ― Alysha Speer

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Marius.
    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Let’s focus on the problem before running with a solution (or 10).

    Maybe it was poor wording, but it sounded like your issue was that plugin authors were replying to some people and not others. Some people had less valuable posts than others.

    If that’s not the issue, can you reword the problem you saw?

    Thread Starter Marius


    This topic is about “Requests and Feedback”, so isn’t mandatory to have a specific problem!

    Basically I think things can be improved, some WordPress forums in the current version are not productive:
    – delay in answers(sometimes at all)
    – forum search use an outdated method and an outdated alghoritm
    – topic title isn’t check instantly if already exist similar topics(ajax & jQuery)
    – lack of involvement / lack of users/developers motivation
    – user statistics are missing completely

    I did not come here to build anybody’s statues, I’m here to be critical fair.

    Please avoid emotional answers, I like only logic answers!

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    So that list of issues you’ve just mentioned is what I mean by “the problem”. So let’s break the problem down a bit more.

    – forum search use an outdated method and an outdated alghoritm

    I think Jan answered this, but the www.ads-software.com developers are aware of issues with the search and have plans to improve it.

    topic title isn’t check instantly if already exist similar topics(ajax & jQuery)

    If the issue is that people cannot find topics through the search then that coincides with improving the forum search. If that’s not the problem, can you clarify?

    – user statistics are missing completely

    They’re not missing completely, they can be seen when people click on your profile. For instance, your profile shows you’ve created 17 topics and replied 19 times: https://www.ads-software.com/support/users/mariusfv/

    – delay in answers(sometimes at all)
    – lack of involvement / lack of users/developers motivation

    I think these two can be lumped together. This relates to what Jan said about about any author that needs additional motivation is in the wrong place. Contributions to support are provided for free out of people’s free time and, although it may be hard to believe, that alone is enough to incentivise people. One incentive is being part of the open source community and the other is the satisfaction in helping people out. That’s why plugins are developed to begin with.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Andrew Nevins. Reason: fixed formatting
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