Theme Compatibility – Directory Press theme
Testing with version 0.3.5, I experienced two serious outcomes which may mean that there is an incompatibility with the Directory Press theme.
1) The theme limits the keyword search results to posts so page results are not displayed. When I searched for a word that is present in both post title and page content with the seo plugin enabled, content from a page replaced the post content in the search results. The mismatch is very confusing to a reader.
2) A similar corruption of search results occurred where, after the seo options had been set on a post, a search by a category that would include the post in the search results came back with the post content from the subject post shown on many posts instead of the actual post content from those posts. In a few instances where there were many results, it seemed to be only the first page of results that were displayed with the mismatched content.
Changing the theme to the the default 2010 with the plug-in enabled corrected the behavior. Disabling the seo plug-in returns the directory press theme to normal function. Testing was done with no other plug-in active using directory press v6.15 and wp 3.12.
I’m bummed out about this because the plug-in is awesome.