WordPress Server Load
Hi everyone,
I have wordpress 2.5 installed and have been using wordpress for 2 years now.
(see screenshots for clarification)
My server load was on average 20% CPU , 800mb ram and mysql did a 3-4 rate/sec. This when having the default permalink structure being /p?=xxx and having wp-super cache plugin installed and running on option ‘half on’ , meaning only the normal wp-cache is enabled (not the super cache one, becayuse of the permalink structure).Then I changed the permalink structure to fancy permalinks, existing out of the date + the title of the post. And wp-super cache on full option on, meaning wp caches on super mode.
Result is that my cpu is now 60-80% being used my ram is about 700mb and the mysql is up to 12 rate/sec .
I thought this was pretty weird, since my visitors amount has stayed the same. And since i thought the super cache option would reduce the server load.
So my questions are :
Is this caused by the permalinks structure?
Is it worth, SEO wise, having the fancy permalink structure enabled?
Should I upgrade my cpu ? (since the global delay is averaging now about 2.00 before it was only averaging 0.40)Screenshots:
(first part is before the permalinks structure being changed)CPU: https://img157.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73063_cpu_average_122_752lo.JPG
Ram usage
Load Average
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