• I’ve used WordPress quite a few versions ago to build a blog for parents who want to be happy and have happy kids. It’s called Family Matters.

    Any tips on making the most money with this blog will be most appreciated, as well as any feedback.

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  • If you want to earn money online, blogging isn’t one of the best options. But you can earn through advertising. Other than that, I wish to comment on the look of your site, which to me looks cluttered, especially the moving links on the left side. It’s very distracting.

    On the other hand, your site has good content, you just have to work on a cleaner layout.

    [signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]

    i know that u want make money online.it’s not easy to do this.i recommended u a article about make money online:Make Money Online:Get Paid To Write

    I m not crazy for the navigation. It’s horrific and the sit is cluttered. Great idea, but the site needs work. ??

    Thread Starter Gal Baras


    Thank you all. I got the point about the design being crowded and I personally agree.

    The question is: what specific changes would you recommend to make the site feel more spacious and encourage visitors to read and participate?

    Make the menu fixed, under your site banner. Purple is too loud and sucks attention. Your content area is too wide, it’s easier to read when it’s a bit thinner. WAY TOO MANY ADS. It feels like a spam site. Better to have one good well placed ad that works with your content than 50 that I won’t click on. Put your google adWords under your posts- after I’ve read what you had to say and am maybe in the mood to buy something.

    I’d start over with a clean design- something like Thematic (https://themeshaper.com/)- or drop a few dollars on a Woo Theme. Professionalism goes a long way towards building trust, which will make me more likely to take one of your product recommendations.

    And, to agree with everyone above. You should be blogging about this subject because you are passionate and interested in it. Otherwise, the pay is way too low.

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