Hi @allayn17
I just tried to reproduce the issue. WordPress 6.5.5, Kadence (free) active and Real Cookie Banner (free) and ASB active. No issue. Plugin updates are shown and working.
What do you mean *exactly* if you write “is no longer accepting updates”? No plugin updates shown? Or error while trying to update? If yes, which error message?
Are you using the latest version of everything? Sometimes an old WP version or an old PHP version could prevent using the latest version available.
Or there is another bug which is preventing the correct execution of everything afterward. Could you please check your error logs:
Maybe there is an error. You could also check the browser console for errors and the network tab for issues.
Query Monitor is also helpful to look for issues:
Thanks for any more detail, so we can fix it (or help others to fix it).
All the best