• My website here is having some problems loading. It seems to take ages but when i test it on one of those website loading tests it comes up as 0.2 secs or the likes but thats far from the truth.

    I switched my account from xtreemhost to ipage.com adn they switched it for me.. nad it has become slow since so that cant be a coincidence. The visual editor doesnt show up properly either.

    Any advice would be great. thanks

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  • You have 10 javascript files to load which is causing some problems especially this file: https://www.balls.ie/index.php?ak_action=aktt_js which is taking 3 or 4 seconds to load.

    You are using Google Analytics and WordPress stats which might be a little overkill. Also It looks like your using the older Goole js code, try switching to the new ga.async code which runs faster.

    It would help if you moved all your js files to your footer and combine some of them.

    You can install the Yahoo Yslow add on for firebug and also the Google page speed add on to help streamline your site a little.

    Thread Starter ballsdotie


    what scripts should i take off.. also how do i get rid of that aktt_js file

    kinda a newbie and could do with some pointers on the js files and that..

    thanks again for your help

    Most of the js files are related to various plugins. aktt js file puts your Twitter updates in the sidebar.

    Try disabling some plug ins 1 at a time and see if you get a performance increase. It does seem to be running faster today though.

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