• Our Situation;

    I have not put information in the “General” tab, because we do not wish to receive txts back on the mobile phone.

    I have put the information for our sms service in the “Gateway” tab.
    Our service is not listed, so I left the “gateway Name” as “please select your gateway”.

    Status = Deactive!
    Bulk send = Does not support!

    1) In order to receive txts, should we put the number of our sms service in the general tab where it says “admin mobile number”?
    If so, then this field might be better to be titled as “Number or ID Name that txts are received on”, so the user then knows that txt will be sent “To” this number.
    Some systems allow a name or text string to be used instead of a mobile number.
    The number (or name) does not have to be the phone number of the website administrator. The person could be any user who manages the txt system, or it could be the name/number of the sms service account of the user.

    2a) Why are we getting?;

    Status = Deactive!
    Bulk send = Does not support!

    2b) Can some help on (2a) be included within the plugin please?

    3) If the number of the sms service is used for the receiving (admin?) number, then it may not need a country code – can this situation be accommodated in the plugin?


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