• I have a SSL installed on my domain.

    I use ssl on the entire main root directory and have the wordpress setup to use https://
    for the wordpress site installed on that root directory.

    I installed the ssl as a wildcard cert.

    If I have a subdomain though, like:

    sub1.mydomain.com and I have anything on that page, even if just a index.html file… and i call it:
    https://sub1.mydomain.com/ I get the main root directories wordpress installation that says page not found.

    If I call it as https://sub1.mydomain.com/ then that works. but not as ssl.

    Why is that?

    Is there a way to fix it?


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  • It sounds like the web server is not configured for SSL for the subdomain. Not knowing your hosting provider, I can’t provide specific details on how to do this.

    If you manage your own server where you have to configure Apache, you need a virtualhost directive that answers on 443 for the subdomain, with your wildcard SSL certificate. For example (your mileage may vary on this, but this is a generic example):

    <VirtualHost *:443>
         SSLEngine On
         SSLCertificateFile    /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
         SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
         ServerAdmin [email protected]
         ServerName www.mydomain.com
         ServerAlias mydomain.com
         DocumentRoot /webs/www.mydomain.com/html/
         ErrorLog /webs/www.mydomain.com/logs/error.log
         CustomLog /webs/www.mydomain.com/logs/access.log combined
            <Directory "/webs/www.mydomain.com/html/">
                    AllowOverride All

    If your hosting provider is responsible for these configurations, it is best to open a support question with them for the specifics for their environment.

    We are having a similar issue in that our https://www.pasquines.us subdomain gives an error for too many redirects.

    This only happens with SSL enabled through the Really Simple SSL plugin.

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