• I remember that some people had made some effort to crawl blogs and report some tatistics about blog software and versions. Is that still being kept? (I know there’s still the version meta info in the headers, but is the crawler still crawling? Are those numbers available? Accurate? Amusing? =]
    I got curious again after seeing a poll on the Ecto web site (https://ecto.kung-foo.tv/), about favourite logware. WordPress grabs a very nice 20.4% there, being the largest single system. Only the “Other” percentage is bigger (27.09%), and that will probably include Pivot and Textpattern — they’re not listed on their own.
    Runners up are MT (19.98%), Blogger (8.16%) and TypePad (7.85%).

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  • Moderator James Huff


    A google search for the term “wp-login.php” returns about 90,000 terms. Subtracting the possible number of individuals just talking about the file and not linking to it with a “Login” link, and adding the possible number of individuals blocking the file with robots.txt, I’d say there’s probably 50,000-75,000 users.

    When I started typing this, there were 38738 WP blogs that were pinging pingomatic.

    There’s a search form at syndic8.com where is a criteria “Toolkit” https://www.syndic8.com/feedlist.php

    Moderator James Huff


    As of now, the number is 43,635. But, these are only WP blogs that continually ping either Syndic8 or Ping-o-Matic.

    Thread Starter dille


    Here it is, found it myself: https://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2004/02/02/blog-statistics/
    It also seems like the crawler is no longer active (could someone confirm or deny this?).
    I found another source that, unfortunately, looks like it’s been abandoned: https://www.blogcensus.net/?page=tools . Doesn’t even recognize WP… Tsk =] It works by pulling a web page through some regexes, so it’s flexible enough… As long as the software is mentioned in there, which might not always be the case.
    Another approach detects the blogfarms like blogspot, typepad and so on by URL. See a nice SVG graph here: https://www.bsentinel.com/ .
    Although the graph is nice (make sure you check out the map view too), it’s not what I want as it only checks the blogfarms.
    What I was thinking of: what if I were to cook up a spider that went searching for RSS feeds and distill the weblog software from that? Most feeds have this info in some form, so that would give a decent result. Heck, I could try and determine the language and location while I’m at it =]
    Dunno if anyone’s interested in those stats; I know I am. If only because it’s possible =] Feedback appreciated!

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