• Hello,

    It is often these two ( drupal & wordpress ) are compared to another and due to the default feature sets, drupal always ends up as the winner of the two while wordpress is looked down as a great blogging toy or blog publishing platform.

    However, when those comparisons are made, people unfortunately compare only the base engines & functionality – totally ignoring the plug-in-world, thus, missing the bottom-line. At the end of the day, if there is a wordpress plug in for that particular missing feature, who cares whether the base engine covers it or not?

    If the base engine does not cover a certain high level functionality in wordpress, but say drupal does, it is way too easy & misleading & to say and disheartening to read stuff such as “Well, You cannot do that in wordpress!”. What a narrow vision but yet dangerously authoritative!

    What if a wordpress plug in makes that functionality possible? What about then?

    I pity to those webmasters who end up reading those narrow-vision comparisons and thus selecting drupal as their choice of cms.

    I’m sick and tired of people with limited knowledge of wordpress plug-ins to keep on saying, well, that’s not possible with wordpress.

    With this thread, I’d like wordpress masters to come up and take on this matter and nail it for once and for all!

    Give your plug in based pointers/solutions on the areas where the drupal base engine beats wordpress.

    Be specific by saying things like >> it is claimed that wordpress cannot do [ feature XYZ here ] while drupal does!, but here is the proof, that this conclusion is wrong because with the XYZ plug in, wordpress can too! <<

    Here is a starter.

    They say that with wordpress, you cannot run a web site where you allow your site visitors to sign up ( to have a username/password ) so that they can be contributors, or subscribers to the site, or to apply for another admin defined role?
    Is that really something that is impossible with wordpress?

    I know that drupal shines on this. But with wordpress, once again and for the record, is it really true that not even a plug in would help wordpress address that?

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Well, at least it’s not a “CMS or not” thread.

    Here is a starter.

    They say that with wordpress, you cannot run a web site where you allow your usite visitors to sign up ( to have a username/password ) to your web site to be contributors, or subscribers to the site, or to be of some other roles that you as the wordpress admin define?

    Here’s a non-starter: Of course you can.


    And set anyone can register.


    Is that really something impossible with wordpress?

    …Have you tried WordPress? Install a test setup and play with it to get the feel of what’s easily doable versus what needs an add-on.

    Edit: I’m not knocking this thread, but with any open source software it’s better to try it yourself instead of relying on other folks, including myself.

    Thread Starter MHalukK


    Thank you for your comment. However, I’m really not interested in learning how “I” can implement a certain feature. Nor my goal with this thread is to get into the details of certain implementations.

    On the high levels, just make points such as they say wordpress cannot do this while drupal can and here is the plug in, that proves it otherwise. That’s all.

    You have already done that by pointing out on my “starter” point, that it is possible
    to allow your site visitors to sign up, and you have done that by pointing to a URL. Great job in that. However, the extra comments as to I should learn the tool myself etc were not necessary. I’m afraid it will steer the thread to a different direction than the originally intended route.

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