• fredfrombc


    Hi all,
    I am new in this web server world. Please enlighten me with my installation.
    I installed cmf 1.1.7 (full zip from https://www.simplemachines.org/download/) first.
    Then I install WordPress 2.6.3 (from https://www.ads-software.com/download/).
    Until that point I am able to login to both service. At the end, I installed wp_smf bridge plugin from this location https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-smf-a-simplemachines-bridge/ . Installing went fine until I reach the point that I have to retrieve User’s data (ie pressing “Integrate Previous Users” button). After I press the button, the next screen is asking me to log in back again. I couldn’t log in at that point, I am getting “Invalid username” error.

    I tried to reset user’s password via mysql md5() function and so on. But I still couldn’t log in yet.

    What am I doing wrong? Thank you.

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  • Thread Starter fredfrombc


    I did it both on hostgator server and my local machine. I am getting the same error.

    Hey Fred, that plugin was compatible with WP2.2.

    I don’t believe that there is ANY forum software compatible with WP2.6.3

    bbPress, from the same people as WP only works for older bbPress versions and older WP versions (although some people report success). I was able to link the bbPress user tables to WP so new forum members are created in WO too. Switching from blog to forum and vice-versa doesn’t work for me (cookie issues)…

    SMF, phpBB3, Vanilla etc do not have bridges/plugins that ‘work’.

    Spend some time in the SMF and WP forums looking to see what questions people are asking about integration.

    I would suggest the older versions of bbPress and WP if you really do need integration. Since I couldn’t get bbSync (discuss in forums plugin) or bbLive (latest posts in forums on blog plugin) to work, I ditched bbPress this week and went back to SMF.

    Samuel B


    I have the latest BBPress newly installed. It integrated perfectly with my blog’s (2.7beta3+) database.
    I’ve made test posts and deleted them. Test users, log ins, etc.
    Really easy to set up and configue and looks slicker now.


    Then something has changed recently for all the users trying to integrate bbPress. Something in wp2.7?

    Speak and the gods laugh…

    What has worked for me (5 minutes ago) is this post from bbPress forum user deadmedic which he posted a few hours ago, where he shares his fix for a core file that solved my month-long drama with integration.

    WP 2.6.3, bbPress 1.0a2, PHP5, Apache 1.3x

    Samuel B


    Glad you got it. My blog is in a sub domain – wonder if that is the difference?

    Nope, user Ipstenu who is still trying to get it to work has a subdomain setup, although, there’s no telling what the *config.php deltas are. Maybe you could share your settings with Ipstenu?

    i am actually running WPMU2.6+ with SMF1.1.7; with no little issues; users can register/login from WP and be reflected in SMF database. All registration/login in SMF is disabled and redirected to WP login/registration. The only issue was that once logged in, user can logout except in SMF. I have to revert to the old SMF logout and redirect to logout in WP — which is ok 9a little code hack).

    Now, with WPMU2.7, seems like the action hook is not running to update any new registration from WP in SMF!! I have to manually run the “fix broken links” in WP SMF plugin options to get the users synched! Probably will convert from SMF to bbpress soon.

    I just put a link on my blog to an SMF free forum. What’s the point of adding smf to wordpress?

    there are many good points; but that really depends and what a person really needs.

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