wordpress XMLRC metaWebBlog custom field issue
I want to post articles to my blog from a C# desktop application. For this i am using XMLRC. The code without the custom fields is working fine.I will be thankful if you can help me solving the following: 1- Why the code that i wrote for custom fields in not working ? I want to set the All In One SEO pack plugin fields.
2- How can i attach Featured Image ?
Following is my code:
public interface IgetCatList { [CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcMethod("metaWeblog.newPost")] string NewPage(int blogId, string strUserName, string strPassword, blogInfo content, int publish); [XmlRpcMethod("metaWeblog.newMediaObject", Description = "Add a media object to a post using the metaWeblog API. Returns media url as a string.")] MediaObjectUrl newMediaObject(int blogid,string username,string password,MediaObject mediaObject); } public struct customField { public string key; public string value; } public struct blogInfo { public string title; public string description; public string post_type; public string[] categories; public string mt_keywords; public string mt_excerpt; public customField[] custom_fields; } private void PostToBlogUsingXMLRC(string pTitle,string pPost) { blogInfo newBlogPost = default(blogInfo); newBlogPost.title = pTitle; newBlogPost.description = pPost; newBlogPost.categories = new string[] { "TechReviews" }; newBlogPost.post_type = "post"; newBlogPost.mt_excerpt = "this is excerpt"; newBlogPost.mt_keywords = "keywrod"; //aiosp //aioseop customField aioseoTitle = default(customField); aioseoTitle.key = "_aioseop_title"; aioseoTitle.value = "This is SEO Title"; customField aioseoDesc = default(customField); aioseoDesc.key = "_aioseop_description"; aioseoDesc.value = "This is SEO description"; customField aioseoKeyword = default(customField); aioseoKeyword.key = "_aioseop_keywords"; aioseoKeyword.value = "This is SEO keywords"; //customField thumbnailImage = default(customField); //thumbnailImage.key = "_thumbnail_id"; //thumbnailImage.value= PostNewMediaObject(); newBlogPost.custom_fields = new customField[] { aioseoTitle, aioseoDesc, aioseoKeyword }; categories = (IgetCatList)XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(typeof(IgetCatList)); clientProtocol = (XmlRpcClientProtocol)categories; clientProtocol.Url = "https://abc.com/xmlrpc.php"; string result = null; result = ""; try { result = categories.NewPage(1, "ID", "Pass", newBlogPost, 1); MessageBox.Show("Posted to Blog successfullly! Post ID : " + result); pTitle = ""; pPost = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
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