• I have a a free wordpress.com blog/website I am trying to transfer to a www.ads-software.com self hosted website. https://www.reeksunderground.com is where my free website is and I’m trying to transfer it to my self hosted domain at ‘https://www.reeksunderground.net(I had just thrown that Underconstruction page up after no being able to resolve so don’t consider it part of the issue) I have followed all the steps and understand how to do it, but it wont work. I have exported it from the wordpress.com’s control panel > downloaded the XML file (over and over again) > imported it with the ‘WordPress Uploader’ in my www.ads-software.com website. ..And after ‘I choose my file’ to upload, nothing happens, just a blank screen in the control panel. I have tried over and over again, I don’t think it’s a memory issue as my downloaded XML file is only about 315 KBS and maximum upload states 8 GB, and wordpress is default with 32 MB right? ..Shouldn’t be a problem there, I tried expanding with a php.ini file anyway and still didn’t work. I came across a few similar problems on this forum but it seems they were never resolved. Can anyone help me? ..I also tried to upload with the RSS option and an alternative WordPress uploader plugin, and still nothing!

    Thanks, cheers!

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  • Alwyn Botha


    Blank screens means errors.

    Check server error logs immediately after you do this and get that white screen

    Thread Starter cam77


    I have checked the server logs & it says ‘Transfer complete’ and states line by line as if everything has clearly imported but definitely hasn’t. I’m trying to reinstall the WordPress CMS and try once more, if that doesn’t work I don’t know what else to do. If you have any more suggestions please let me know & thanks a lot for your help.


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