Were you guys aware that the domain WordPress.com is available for free for anyone with a legitimate use for it?
“And only last week, another developer went ballistic when one blogger merely suggested setting up a paid support service for WP.”
Incorrect. That developer ranted about an accusation that the www.ads-software.com support forums were failing. Later, the author of the comments withdrew them and apologized, and good wishes were exchanged.
We should not.Live and let live.
Dear Amused,
I TRY to be open minded and accept all input, but your ignorance puts me to the test. I set up the OpenDomain program specifically to help protect from Squatters.
1) I can give several examples of domains that we have given to the Open community.
2) None of our domains have ANY type of revenue – no ads, no pop-ups, nothing.
3) The average cost of each domain is $3800. This is my own personal money. You have hidden you identity, so I can not know if you have done ANYTHING for WordPress.
4) It is obvious you know less about Open Source than I do (not very much). In my opinion, people donate as they see fit. Some people are great coders, some people can test, some do great on documentation. Because I got burned a few years back by squatters, it is my ambition to help in my way – by giving domains.
5) I bought this domain off an obvious squatter less than one month ago. You had the chance to buy this yourself, but did not.
6) We are offering for the WP community to help drive this site. I can just simply setup a hosting service, or advertising, or even pr0n if I wanted. Instead, I am trying to help.To prove I am honest I can put it this way:
I have NOT hidden my identity or my intentions. If any member of the development team would like to use this WordPress.Com as intended by the OpenDomain program, I will let any democratic community use instead.So, I am not AMUSED.
Sorry to everyone else for the rant, but I DO NOT LIKE BEING CALLED A SQUATTER.
Sorry. I did not mean to speak for you.
I appreciate your website, as it helped us setup WordPress.com very quickly with your tutorials.
Thank youRic, I’m sorry I called you a squatter. It just seems your primary “business” is buying domains you don’t use. You said “WordPress dot Com gets a large amount of traffic because people expect it.” If people are expecting the WordPress project and get you, whatever you do, how is that different from phishers who register domains that sound like eBay or PayPal to draw them in? I’m not saying that’s your intention, but that’s what you’d end up doing.
Let’s say you paid $3800 for the domain, why not just ask the WP community for double that, then you’ve made a nice profit with a minimal amount of work and everyone is happy. Agree not to sell it to anyone else while WP.org raises the money and you’ll be painted as the Good Guy who rescued the domain. If you want to “help” that’s the best way. I would happily chip in some of my hard-earned money to the fund to buy the domain back.
If you were just “giving” the domain away with no strings attached, why hasn’t Matt taken it yet? I trust the WordPress developers more than I trust you, so there must be a good reason.
Thank you for the considered reply. Sorry I got hot under the collar.
Now it is my turn to come over to your side of the fence: In some ways you are right. In fact, Matt pointed out some similar arguments when I first contacted him.
Let me explain each in it’s own part:
1) Yes we do buy domains – to give to Open Communities. Because we control HOW these domains are used (for example we require no SPAM), we can be viewed as black hats.
2) WordPress.Com already exists. People will type in dot com habitually – I can not do anything about this. Because of that, we should use the domain for something.
3) I am different from phishers cuz I buy the domains from the squatters so that other people may use them. At Matt’s request, I have posted a declaration that we are not affiliated with WordPress development (yet).
4) It is against the bylaws of the OpenDomain program to sell a domain. This was set up so we would not be ‘tempted’. If we could sell the domain, logically it should go to the highest bidder, and that way we can donate the most money to www.ads-software.com. Of course the highest bidder might put up something really bad.
5) You are very right not to trust me. I have never broken my word, but I have no clue who you are or your intentions, so I offer no promises. I did offer the domain to Matt, but of course there are strings attached. I DO trust Matt, even though I really do not know him, but I have to make sure what happens to the domain. For example, the blogging software B2 became abandoned and eventually Matt made WordPress. We want to make sure this does not happen with WordPress.ComWhy can I not ‘give’ it to the community like I am trying to do? I invite any WP developer to join in developing the site. We can make our discussions democratic and public. We can have an Open book, so everyone can see where the money comes from and where it goes. Not only that, we are willing to take the backseat and let the real WP community drive the site (We are Microsoft developers, and though the WordPress software is easy to use, we have no business playing with Linux)
How about that?
A note to those of you who are just skimming this thread and shooting off replies, read this first:
https://wordpress.com/archives/2005/01/26/about-wordpresscom/#commentsAnd, consider Matt’s stance as well:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic.php?id=19079#post-125151Once you know more about the situation, your comments will be taken a lot more seriously. Otherwise, you’re just adding to the noise.
Again, do not skim this topic and add your comment. Read the facts first.
I think the main disagreement between Ric and myself is that I believe the domain should be used for the non-profit, free to everyone WordPress project and he wants a hand in some sort of commercial venture on top of the work of WP volunteers.
I won’t quote the email publicly, but he wanted to be a “WordPress partner” with “voting power” in the direction of WordPress. I think the best course for WordPress is to continue being a open meritocracy rather than being beholden to any commercial entity. If Ryan or Dougal or someone else who has contributed significantly approached me with the same proposal I would take it much more seriously, as they’ve proven their committment to the core ideals of WordPress through actions over a long period of time. Until he bought the domain, I had never heard of Ric.
Also, for the record, I had contacted the squatter who had the domain before Ric but never heard back, and I also had the domain backordered so if it expired it would have gone to the project just like wordpress.net does now. If Ric wants to give (or sell) the the domain to WordPress, I’d be happy to acknowledge his contribution similar to how firefox.com is set up. Unfortunately it seems Ric’s hands are tied by some sort of organizational structure in his company that prevents him from making those types of decisions.
I think what macmanx is trying to say is that perhaps this is not the proper place to discuss this.
All my further comments may be found at WordPress.ComWell, I’m not technically saying that. I’m just suggesting that people know the facts before they start posting “commentary”.
In all honesty, this discussion does not belong here, nor does it belong on your blog, Ric. This discussion is between you and the WordPress developers and should be carried out via email, or another private means of communication.
I did post a reply on my blog, but as you said I may still post here, I must disagree with you.
I did approach Matt via email first, but perhaps I lack eloquence.
I think this should be public so as to be democratic.
However, I am willing to listen to your suggestion to settle this. I will be available for a conference call for all the seniors involved if someone wants to set it up (Matt has my number)Ric, as I said, “This discussion is between you and the WordPress developers and should be carried out via email, or another private means of communication.”
There is nothing we can do for you here. We’re all users here. In all honesty, the best most of us could do for you is offer you suggestions, the rest of us will do nothing more than the online equivalent of throwing beer bottles. No progress on your issue can be made here. Please contact the developers and carry on this conversation with people who can actually do something for you.
As a side issue: while WordPress is available for free download, that doesn’t mean the developers might not welcome some cash. This is what the DONATE tab at the top is for.
We have decided the best way to support WP is to step away from using the domain WordPress.Com ourselves.
We welcome anyone interested in supporting WordPress development to review our open request to use the domainThank you all for your comments
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