• I’d like to start a paid-for blog with www.ads-software.com.

    I checked my url/domain, healthy-holiday.org is available on fasthosts.co.uk and paid £22.98 for two years so I own it now.

    But does this mean I have to pay again for www.ads-software.com? Is that usual?

    I’m a complete beginner!

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  • All you have paid for is the domain name. You now need to purchase web hosting for your new site. WordPress itself is free. See Installing_WordPress.

    Thread Starter Healthy-Holiday


    Thanks for such a quick response.

    I thought wordpress.com was free yet basic and www.ads-software.com was paid-for but more flexible?

    If I choose wordpress.com I’m asked to pick a domain name such as healthy-holiday.org, which I have to pay for, but I already have it!

    And if I choose www.ads-software.com I’m asked to choose a host like Dreamhost (I’d rather ipage but this doesn’t seem to be an option), which I also have to pay for.

    Can you please advise? I don’t want to pay for the same thing twice when I don’t have to.

    thought wordpress.com was free yet basic and www.ads-software.com was paid-for but more flexible?

    That’s not correct. See https://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

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