• I’d like to suggest a change in the way search results are formatted on this website. I’m finding that my eye doesn’t know where to go to find the post title, excerpt, etc., as easily as it should.
    I suggest keeping post date and forum section on the first line, then starting the second line with post title, then start a new line for excerpt. And add some labels: post title, excerpt. And put them in bold to help break things up. This formatting change would make the results more readable, methinks. Especially for new users who otherwise can’t discern the structure right away (forum section, title, excerpt). This might help cut down on search laziness.

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  • The official line on this, believe it or not, is ‘use Google.’

    Anonymous: “Official line”? Care to clarify that? I’ve not yet met any officialdom here. (And please, stop making the new users shy; or if you insist, do it under a name.)

    The search function is very much under review – as Anon would have known had s/he read the right posts.
    And no, there is no official line, but if you do use google, adding this after your search phrase and it will return good results.

    its not the official line. it is just something that will get u better results.

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