• Hi,
    Well my problem has begun with my already established WordPress Website redirecting me the install.php page It happened more than 4 times
    I’ve contacted my hosting support (IPAGE) and they told me that the problem is that my website has reached the maximum query per hour set for their shared plan which is 75,000/hr.

    So since my website isn’t released yet so no visitor It can’t at all reach that limit so It should be a plugin that causing the problem.
    After 1 h (the limit was reset) my website goes up again so I’ve checked my plugins and I’ve noticed something weird on the Wordfence scan page the scan was stuck for like more than 12 h until I’ve sent a kill request.

    Well it’s not the first scan I’ve ran many scans by myself and it goes well and some scheduled scan went also well but this scan I don’t know why it was stuck I didn’t change anything on the website I didn’t installed a new plugin or something like that that would cause that

    Here are some logs it shows two scan the first one went successful but the last one is what caused the problem as I think You can difference between the two scans by date and you can also see the time that the second scan was stuck you’ll see also when I’ve sent a kill request.

    Here are the logs: https://pastebin.com/HnXvK7fE

    And here is a list of my installed plugins: https://pastebin.com/gxtbgaP5
    this list is generated by the Backwpup plugin and It’s working well (Max runtime: 265 second) even at the time where the Wordfense scan was stuck as you see from the time:
    The backup was on: 2016-09-05 23:00.25
    and the wordfense scan was stuck from Sep 05 17:03:08 to Sep 06 05:10:50

    Well my theory is that when the scan was stuck it was sending a lot’s of SQL query so the website exceeds the query limit so it can’t access the database and that what make it redirect to the install page and as the query limit reset after 1h so after 1 h the website goes live again and Wordfence still doing the same thing and after some minute it exceed the limit again

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  • kraljsin


    hello i have same problem
    ‘max_queries_per_hour’ resource (current value: 360000) for query

    how u resolve this?please explane me

    HI, I have same problem and have hosting on Ipage. Can somebody help us?
    ‘max_queries_per_hour’ resource (current value: 1500000)for query.

    Is there a way to check how many database queries have occurred in the last 1 hour?

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