@caseboltb – Couple of things to consider:
– Does your site use caching plugins? If so they need to be purged/cleared every time you make changes to see them right away. Since popups are rendered as part of the pages they are viewed on, if those pages are cached with old copies that is what you will see.
Deactivating the plugin and reactivating could possibly be triggering an automated clearing/purging of your cache by your caching plugin.
– Our plugin has a function called Asset Caching ( not to be confused with the page caching mentioned above ). This functionality presaves our JS & CSS as a single file in your wp-content/uploads/pum folder with our code, your custom changes and other stuff.
If you have a CDN these files may be getting cached long term. Deleting the plugin and adding it back could cause them to regenerate and the CDN to flush or again page caching to clear.
But in general caching issues are the only thing that causes what you are describing, and 100% of the time they have nothing to do with our plugin.
Happy to look into it further but based on just what you wrote above that is where I’d start.
Hope that helps.
If you still need help please message us directly at https://wppopupmaker.com/support/.