# Remove empty query string parameters. for example: example.com/? can be rewritten to example.com
– That seems super odd. Generally there never is any blank query string start like you have shown i.e. https://example.com/?
(unless someone has made a major mistake while adding the link)
There always be some parameters there i.e. https://example.com/?foo=bar
. Now the worker code already removes many unnecessary query parameters from the URL like”
and stuffs like that.
But removing a blank query sting seems very odd and wired. Also it would create many issues as inside the worker code we doesn’t interpreter an URL as a string but rather we parse it as a URL(). So, I honestly don’t think it would create a problem as when the worker parse it back to string if there is no query param then it would just be https://example.com/
# Sorts query string parameters alphabetically
– If you have Cloudflare business plan or above you can just do it inside the Cloudflare Dashboard with a flick of a button. So, it makes no sense to replicate the same – increase the worker code unnecessary and increase execution time.
Moreover from my experience I would say even if you have CF Business or higher plan, don’t turn on this option as it will cause a lot of problem in WordPress and in many different plugins. There are many plugins like EDD and others who replies on the exact position of the query strings. So, sorting then always break things which are hard to trace and fix.