• Resolved editoronline


    I can not understand why StrapHero standard disabled the activity of hte HTML codes before the wellknown READ MORE.
    At least there should be the possiblity for the user to decide if you want to enable the HRML codes before READ MORE or disable that and use it only as plain text.
    Personally I want to HTML codes ENABLED before READ MORE.
    In the first part of the text I want the same font, the same font color, the possibility to put an image in the first part TOGETHER with that part of the text. For some weeks already I am searching for a solution.
    Please activate the HTML codes as asked or make an extension,
    just the way you did with the header. That is really good.
    Than the user can make his own choice.That would be the best option.
    I am impressed about this template.
    This layout is exactly what I was searching for.
    About WordPress they often speak about simple templates.
    In reality they are absolutely not simple but much too extended.
    StrapHero is really that kind of simple template I was searching for
    because it radiates a lot of serenity. I love it very much.
    While making the template still stronger, you are doing a great job.

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  • Thread Starter editoronline


    At least there should be the possiblity for the user to decide if you want to enable the HRML codes before READ MORE or disable that and use it only as plain text.
    MUST BE:
    At least there should be the possiblity for the user to decide if you want to enable the HTML codes before READ MORE or disable that and use it only as plain text.

    Theme Author Brian Harris


    I’m not sure I understand the question/request.

    Are you asking for the option to have full posts instead of the excerpts on the home page? If so then that option already exists in the Customizer under General settings.

    If that’s not the question/request then please elaborate more with an example and I’ll look in to the possibility of adding it in the next revision.

    But as it stands, the theme does not enable or disable anything that it should not. Again if you strongly believe it does then please elaborate and I’ll get that corrected asap.


    Thread Starter editoronline


    Hello Zulf,

    The website is Katherine nl
    As you can see, the first part of the article has not the same font, not the same font color and I do not get an image there.
    When a special function I can get the image there but not in combination with the text. I am using CKEditor as editor to submit an article.
    In the first part of the article the HTML codes does not work.
    That is frustrating.
    I could hardly believe that you doubt whether
    you understand my question.
    Apparently you are not sufficiently aware of the problem.

    The problem with the menu above is solved now.
    I’m really grateful for you and quickly resolved
    I hope you can help me again.

    I hope I was clear enough this time.
    I hope you can help me a.s.a.p.
    When you have further questons, please let me know.

    Theme Author Brian Harris


    I’m sorry but without seeing the site and the part being referenced its kind hard to determine the problem.

    katherine.nl returns the: https://katherine.nl/wdp/ url – this is correct site right?

    In the first two posts, I see that each one of them has a link out to other sites. The links are not hyperlinked since the site is set to display excerpt mode – in this mode all html is stripped out and only plain text is displayed which is a WordPress core functionality and not the theme.

    If you go to Appearance>>Customize and under the general tab uncheck the box that says “Switch to excerpts on blog feed?” and then view your site you will see that the html is back in place.

    So if you set the settings to display excerpts on blog feed there won’t be any html displayed and the Read More link will only appear when the correct number of characters for the excerpt has been exceeded in the article or if you manually insert the Read More tag.

    Any images inserted in to the article via insert media or via the set featured image will appear in the article as with the use of the standard WordPress editor. Again the limitation here for the image would be if the settings is set to excerpts and the image inserted via insert media as opposed to set featured thumbnail.

    So once again the limitation is governed by the settings and how WordPress returns the data depending on the define settings. I have extensively tested the theme in terms of performance and how it renders the content and although I am not familiar with CKEditor’s functions I can safely say that the problem is not with the theme nor the editor.

    Try setting the blog feed to full articles as indicated above and see if you still have the problem and let us know.

    Hope that helps,

    Thread Starter editoronline


    Hello Zulf,

    With your help I succeeded in getting active the HTML codes before read more. I am really happy that this problem is solved now.
    I still have some small issues. I shall appoint them.
    1. I would like to have the opportunity to make the title of the template clickable to an internal article. So to get the possiblity to insert an url that will re-direct to that article.
    2. This problem is a WordPresss issue I think. When I changed an article afterwards and upload again, it often happens that in the next paragraph
    the font falls back in a much too small font and into a lightgrey font.
    When I restore that and upload again, the problem is solved.
    Can I setup a standard font and a standard font color and a standard font size for new articles?
    f.e. Artial.
    3. Words are aborted at the end of the rule and words are thereby in half split. I would like the line breaks only with all complete words.
    So that the words are not internal broken.
    4. Is it possible to put a widget not on the mainpage but just that on all other pages. On the mainpage the sidebar is full but after read more on the next page in the sidebar I have much more space and I would like to just fill in that with a widget just there.
    5. I would like to get the submenu not vertical but horizontal so that the text is not coming into conflict with the text of an article.
    6. Can I change the margin between read more and the blue line of demarcation? Now it is very stylish but maybe it tooks a little bit too much space there.
    7. SEARCH BUTTON. You give 2 font colors.
    I would like to limit it to only 1 color.
    I find it very important that everything is good visible.
    For that reason I have an aversion against a lightgrey font.
    I would like to delete the standard color as is shown now in the SEARCH button and to keep the white color. The background colors are perfect and okay. I only mention the color of the font.
    Can I change that or can you take action for it.

    I think the StrapHero template is really great.
    I highly appreciate that all kinds of social media buttons are not
    standard built in at the template.
    f.e. Facebook. You often hear so often about problems with Facebook.
    Privacy issues for example. So it is not naturally to use it.
    Much template builders are thinking too general and therefore they impose their opinion to you. This leads to dissatisfaction.
    This template let everyone in his own value.
    That is forcing respect from me.

    Theme Author Brian Harris


    Cool, glad we’ve resolved that issue ??

    Let me try my best for your next questions – I shall only reference the question/query number in my replies.

    1) I’m assuming this refers to the Title in the slider – will add the permalink wrapper on it in the next revision.

    2) This will depend on how you are changing the article – again here I’ll make an assumption that you are editing the article offline and then re-posting(add) it to your site.
    External editors have a tendance to add their own mark up which can interfere with the way WordPress renders the content. I’d suggest doing all edits within the Post/Page
    edit screen in your WordPress admin section to avoid such unwanted additions.

    3) Unfortunately this is how excerpts are handled by default – if you are referring to the front end and not the editor. There is a way around it however by using special excerpt functions which is beyond the scope of this particular theme. (see recommendation below).

    4) Yes you can add as many widgets as you wish via the Appearance >> Widgets screen. simply drag and drop the widget you want on to the desired location and configure it if needed.

    5) Again this is beyond the scope and design of this theme. (see recommendation below).

    6) I’ll look in to adjusting this in the next revision

    7) This is a design default to maintain uniformity of all elements however it can be changed using some CSS rules via a child theme or a custom CSS plugin applied to the element(s) in question.

    Recommendations for your requirements.
    The best way to approach most of the issues you mentioned above would be to create a child theme and edit any of the elements to your desire – this way you can and/or remove any rules that you don’t need without the fear of loosing your changes.

    And finally, your kind words for the theme and its design are very much appreciates – the main aim was to deliver a generic theme as possible leaving the end user to make it their own by adding features they wanted and not the one imposed on them. If we have somehow achieved that goal then that makes me very proud ??

    Thread Starter editoronline


    Hello Zulf,

    Yes you have achieved that goal and you have a lot of reasons to be very proud for this result. I am convinced that more people want this kind of template but they have the problem they can not find you on the internet.
    The next big challenge could be that interested people could find you easier online when they are searching on “clean theme” “simple theme” “sterile thme” “really simple and elegant theme” and so on.
    When you succeed in getting more supporters in this way, maybe you could offer the template also in some more template colors.
    This kind of blue is exactly where I was searching for.
    Maybe other interested people want elegant read or another color.
    I am very happy that we have exactly the same starting point of how
    a template should be. In this way of thinking you are unique.
    You are not a follower but you think on your own:
    What is of what the people need.
    A lot of template builders have enough quality but they forget
    the thing you did not forget.
    Sometimes it makes me a little bit desperate to see that so much
    template builders walk in the same direction as a flock of sheep.

    I will think you for your excellent explanation.
    I think I do not have the quality to build a child theme.
    Zulf, can you offer a paid child theme?

    I would highly appreciate to get a more strong editor
    without the limits I named.
    In fact WordPress should standard come with a much better editor.
    In all that years it is still the same story.

    The way you can submit widgets is also very unique as far as I know.
    I will try what you wrote and I am convinced I will succeed.
    It is really great that you made it so flexible. Super!

    It is very well that you come with 2 improvements in the next versions.
    The title who can link to an article
    and changing the margins near read more.

    I have made great steps forward with this template.
    The greastest problems are solved.
    What still should be improved is on the level
    of more convenience.
    It is a challenge to also solve that problems.
    It gives me a really good feeling that you already
    will offer the 2 improvements we named.
    After you put the version 1.1.1 online to WordPress,
    5 days later I could upgrade within WordPress.
    I was pelasantly surprised.
    I thought that the approval could take weeks
    or even more than a month.

    Theme Author Brian Harris


    Once again many thanks for the appreciation and kind words ??

    You can submit a ticket here: https://www.wpstrapcode.com/support with your requirements for the child theme.

    But before you do you may want to have a look at the Pro version as that has more or less what you are looking for. You can find the Pro version in the store at the above url – can’t post the actual url here as this is not the platform for self promotion.

    Marking this thread as resolved for now but should you have any further queries please feel free to raise another thread or open a ticket via the support url above.


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