How do I PM you on here? The clients have asked me to keep the site private until it goes live, and in any case you’ll need your own login details if you’re to see both the front- and back-end.
The custom CSS is below. The most noticeable difference without it is the big black and white bars between the header image and the navbar. The site width is also constrained to 1200px, and the page content width is further constrained so the columns look horribly cramped.
.site {background: #fff center; min-width:800px; max-width:none}
/* .site {background: url(} */
.site-header .home-link {min-height:125px}
/* .site-header {background-position: 50% 85%} */
.site-header {background-color: rgb(235,227,215)}
.navbar {max-width:none}
.nav-menu li:hover > a, .nav-menu li a:hover {background-color: #990000}
.nav-menu .sub-menu, .nav-menu .children {background-color: #990000}
/* .entry-header, .entry-content, .entry-summary, .entry-meta {max-width:960px} */
.sidebar .entry-header, .sidebar .entry-content, .sidebar .entry-summary, .sidebar .entry-meta, .site-main .sidebar-inner {max-width:1540px}
.entry-header {margin-bottom:0px}
a:hover {color: #ff850b}
/* .su-column-inner {min-width: 480px} */
.cycloneslider-caption-description {font-size:18px}
.cycloneslider-template-standard .cycloneslider-caption-description{font-size:21px}
/* .pta-contact-form {max-width:640px;max-height:480px} */
.entry-meta {display:none}
/* .navigation {background: #f7f5e7} */
/* #social {background: #f7f5e7} */
/* *** Footer hack *** */
/* html, body {margin:0; padding:0; height:100%;} */
.site {min-height:100%; position:relative;}
.site-main {padding-bottom:5.5em; /* Height of the footer */}
.site-footer {position: fixed;
height:5.5em; /* Height of the footer */ }
<!--[if lt IE 7]><style media="screen" type="text/css">#container {height:100%;}</style>
/* *** Login window *** */
#login h1 a {margin-bottom:5px}
/* *** Page-specific hacks *** */
#post-153 .entry-header {display:none}
#post-16 h3 {display:none}