• Hello All,,,
    As i have read all the Document related to child theme given in the Documentation in www.ads-software.com
    1)According to the documentation we can simply add a themename-child folder and add a style.css to our child theme folder if we want to add a child-theme to a parent theme….

    My question is that if in parent theme has more than one style.css as ex(rtl.css,editor-style.css,ie.css etc) can one css of child theme’s(style.css of child theme) reflect all the mentioned css’s of parent theme.

    Can someone give me appropriate answer for the query.
    I am totally confused…….

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  • The purpose of a child theme’s styling sheet is to override specific code being generated by the parent theme. You could put any CSS you want in that child theme – regardless of the original source file of the parent theme.

    Note that I said specific CSS. For example, let’s say your parent theme has a block of code like this:

    .cool-style {
      color: red;
      width: 100%;

    If you wanted to change the color from red to green, you would only reference the color change – you would not include the width: 100%;. This way, if a future version of your theme changes the width: 100%; to width:75%; for some reason, your child coding will still be compatible.

    .cool-style {
      color: green;

    For more information, please review: Child_Themes

    Thread Starter anand454pandey


    Thanks Chris for your support:

    As from your help we can add additional things in style.css of child theme rather than adding it in parent themes style.css.

    Just one thing i want to confirm:

    Overriding the features of which style of parent theme’s is it style.css or ie.css or rtl.css as we know there are many css’s in the parent themes directory?

    if it is overriding the feature of style.css of parent theme then what will be with others(i.e. ie.css,rtl.css)? are they working?

    As i have added only one css file in child theme for my theme (Twentythirteen-child/style.css)

    You’re welcome. Yes, you can add any custom CSS you want to the child theme – it is not just for overriding the parent theme’s CSS. You don’t want to add things to the parent theme, as your custom CSS in the parent theme could be overwritten during a theme update. You would be defeating the purpose of using the child theme.

    Regarding the style sheets you have referenced in the parent theme and if they are in use – that depends on the situation. Usually, if you open those style sheets you will find a comment at the top explaining that style sheet’s purpose. In TwentyThirteen, ie.css is for CSS specific to older IE browsers (before IE9). rtl.css contains CSS that reorders content for proper visual flow in languages that are right to left (such as Hebrew).

    So, if you run a site in Hebrew and your visitor is using IE8, all the CSS files in the parent theme could be in use.

    Thread Starter anand454pandey


    thanks for helping me……

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