• Resolved a223123131


    I have images placed in this way:

    <div class=”n2-ss-slide-background-wrap n2-ow”><div data-hash=”4820a7118bda942ff35de5f5dee44316″ data-desktop=”//https://domain.com/…/18302cba9d7f2b614345db0f4…/trust.jpg” class=”n2-ss-slide-background-image” data-blur=”0″ data-alt=”” data-title=”” style=”background-image: url("//https://domain.com/…/18302cba9d7f2b614345…/trust.jpg");”></div></div>

    With this images ewww web isn’t working here, so they are displayed as jpg instead of webp. Any change to get this working?

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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    See what happens if you use our Lazy Load function alongside the JS WebP method. That’s how we handle CSS background images withe WebP in EWWW IO.

    Thread Starter a223123131


    No changes… images are delivered as webp, but not the described div images. I have tested your lazy load function with both webp delivery methods.

    the div image way is a common way to deliver images. In this cae this is done by Smart Slider 3 if you like to test it on your site.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Are you able to provide a link to a page where you are using Smart Slider 3?

    Thread Starter a223123131


    No public link… However the point is, that the code I sent can’t be changed in webp. This has nothing with Smart Slider 3 to do… this will hapen with all div images

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    The code you sent should be changed to WebP via our Lazy Loader, because our lazy loader supports any div with an inline style attribute that contains a background image. Additionally, it supports list item, link, span, and section tags.
    BUT the code I’m seeing from Smart Slider cannot, because it specifically disables lazy loaders with the ‘data-no-lazy’ attribute and the ‘skip-lazy’ class.
    I’ve checked the HTML code for the default tutorial slider, and two other templates that use div & img tags, and all of them disable lazy loading intentionally.

    The only way I can see to get WebP with Smart Slider is to use server-based rewriting. If your server doesn’t support it (or you’re using Cloudflare), you can offload the image delivery to our Easy IO system (a CDN): https://ewww.io/plans/
    –note that the forum rules don’t allow discussion of paid services, so if you have questions about that, use https://ewww.io/contact-us/

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