• WRC Co


    Installed in on Sunday, build a new site at https://kemp.directory and began populating it with family members and adding their details.

    The plugin works flawlessly in the responsive design them I am using, and I am VERY impressed so far.

    GEDCOM support would be great as another family member has a standalone Family Tree program that can output GEDCOM files. That would save weeks of typing…

    The other item on my “wish list” is a “Tree” graphic – currently the only over-view seems to consist of an HTML “sitemap” that lists all Members… A graphical view of that would be awesome…

    Kind regards

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  • Plugin Author SuitePlugins


    Thank you for the 5 stars. Look out for some even more awesome work. I am looking into the graphically view for you.

    Thread Starter WRC Co


    Apologies for the slow reply – I took a long weekend ??

    Good news on the graphical view of the Tree, that will make a few people very happy.

    Another item has occurred to me while entering data and looking at how to display it. There does not seem to be any way to list “branches” of the Tree. In our case there are several main families; Kemp, Hill, Abbott, Woolhouse;
    – however, no easy way to list a particular family branch
    – and neither Categories nor Tags are available

    Have you given any thought to that aspect?

    Kind regards

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