• Resolved dekket


    Let me begin by saying: I am seriously confused.

    I installed the plugin on a not-yet-public site. It worked perfectly fine in my dev-environment. It also worked fine in the staging environment. For me, that is.
    Another person tried it and it didn’t work. It flatlined essentially. No error message or pertinent warnings. It still worked fine for me.

    Then I gave the URL to someone else and it worked fine for them. A little more confused now, so I gave the URL to three others and it didn’t work for two of them, but it worked fine for the third.

    What could possible be causing this intermittent, seemingly system-specific issue?

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  • Plugin Author edo888



    When you go online, please contact our live chat and provide your website link, so we can check it for you: https://gtranslate.io/#contact

    I cannot tell anything for now.

    Thanks! ??

    I get exactly the same problem as this! So frustrating – works fine for me & a colleague, not working at all for a couple of other people, works fine for others.

    I also had the same problem when developing locally – safari browser would not work, chrome partially worked (2 flags ok, the rest not), firefox was fine! When I added a language then deleted it all browsers started to work. On the production site this fix didn’t work & several people still find the flags do nothing.

    The problem seems to be that when a flag is clicked there are no calls made at all to translate.googleapis.com , for some people using some browsers. When this happens, it’s not intermittent – it always makes no calls every time the flag is clicked.

    Any idea why this happens or how to debug this bizarre problem?

    Plugin Author edo888



    It is hard to tell without seeing your website.

    Thanks! ??

    ah! sorry – https://www.urbanbait.co.uk/

    Also we got someone in spain to test on a mobile browser, and the flags are not responsive at all, nothing happens.

    I cannot replicate this problem on any browser myself, using a VPN from other countries or not all the flags work fine.


    I’ve been looking into this problem and have found that when the problem occurs, there is a chunk of code missing from the page (the select element). Your code looks for :

    var classic = jQuery('.goog-te-combo');

    and fails to find it because that section has been replaced by .

    Do you have any idea what would be causing this to happen under certain circumstances?

    The good & bad code is (no formatting – please expand to make it readable for yourself):


    <section id="glt_widget-2" class="widget widget_glt_widget"><div class="widget-wrap"><div id="flags" class="size18"><ul id="sortable" class="ui-sortable" style="float:left"><li id="Dutch"><a href="#" title="Dutch" class="nturl notranslate nl flag Dutch" data-lang="Dutch"></a></li><li id="English"><a href="#" title="English" class="nturl notranslate en flag English" data-lang="English"></a></li><li id="French"><a href="#" title="French" class="nturl notranslate fr flag French" data-lang="French"></a></li><li id="German"><a href="#" title="German" class="nturl notranslate de flag German" data-lang="German"></a></li><li id="Italian"><a href="#" title="Italian" class="nturl notranslate it flag Italian" data-lang="Italian"></a></li><li id="Spanish"><a href="#" title="Spanish" class="nturl notranslate es flag Spanish" data-lang="Spanish"></a></li></ul></div><div id="google_language_translator" class="default-language-en"><div class="skiptranslate goog-te-gadget" dir="ltr" style=""><div id=":0.targetLanguage"><select class="goog-te-combo" aria-label="Widget &quot;Sprache übersetzen&quot;"><option value="de">Deutsch</option><option value="en">Englisch</option><option value="fr">Franz?sisch</option><option value="it">Italienisch</option><option value="nl">Niederl?ndisch</option><option value="es">Spanisch</option></select></div>Powered by <span style="white-space:nowrap"><a class="goog-logo-link" href="https://translate.google.com" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.gstatic.com/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_42x16dp.png" width="37px" height="14px" style="padding-right: 3px" alt="Google Google übersetzer">Google übersetzer</a></span></div></div></div></section>

    <section id="glt_widget-2" class="widget widget_glt_widget"><div class="widget-wrap"><div id="flags" class="size18"><ul id="sortable" class="ui-sortable" style="float:left"><li id="Dutch"><a href="#" title="Dutch" class="nturl notranslate nl flag Dutch" data-lang="Dutch"></a></li><li id="English"><a href="#" title="English" class="nturl notranslate en flag English" data-lang="English"></a></li><li id="French"><a href="#" title="French" class="nturl notranslate fr flag French" data-lang="French"></a></li><li id="German"><a href="#" title="German" class="nturl notranslate de flag German" data-lang="German"></a></li><li id="Italian"><a href="#" title="Italian" class="nturl notranslate it flag Italian" data-lang="Italian"></a></li><li id="Spanish"><a href="#" title="Spanish" class="nturl notranslate es flag Spanish" data-lang="Spanish"></a></li></ul></div><div id="google_language_translator" class="default-language-en"><div class="skiptranslate goog-te-gadget" dir="ltr" style=""><div id=":0.targetLanguage" class="goog-te-gadget-simple" style="white-space: nowrap;"><img src="https://www.google.com/images/cleardot.gif" class="goog-te-gadget-icon" alt="" style="background-image: url(&quot;https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_static/img/te_ctrl3.gif&quot;); background-position: -65px 0px;"><span style="vertical-align: middle;"><a aria-haspopup="true" class="goog-te-menu-value" href="javascript:void(0)"><span>Sprache ausw?hlen</span><img src="https://www.google.com/images/cleardot.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"><span style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(187, 187, 187);">?</span><img src="https://www.google.com/images/cleardot.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"><span aria-hidden="true" style="color: rgb(118, 118, 118);">▼</span></a></span></div></div></div></div></section>


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by mark2048.
    Plugin Author edo888



    I am unable to replicate it myself, but here is what I suggest to do.

    1. Turn off Cloudflare Rocket loader
    2. Turn off one by one other Google related plugins like Google Tag Manager, Google Maps, Google Reviews

    From the codes you have provided it seems that Google Translate is not being fully initialized for some reason.

    Thanks! ??

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