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  • Hi wescht,

    thank you for testing. If you would be so kind, please confirm that you’ve used the latest Development version. If so, you’re the final beta tester I needed in order to release v1.0! ??

    Kind regards,



    Just a small bug:
    If I have a category with only one post, and I display it in the menu, setting “Remove original menu item” -> Always
    the style “current-item ” is not assigned, and the post that should have it, has current-menu-parent.

    Everything works fine if I have more than one post in the category or if I set “Remove original menu item” -> Never.

    I’m using wp 4.1.1 and plugin release v1.0



    Even the management of style “current-menu-ancestor” seems to have some problem.
    In particular, I noticed that it is not applied when I click on leaf menu-item (single post of exploded category) on its anchestor items, but it’s applied only current-menu-parent.

    Plugin Author Diana van de Laarschot


    Hi brangelo,

    thank you for reporting this.
    I’ve reproduced your first comment and will see if I can find some time to fix this.

    I don’t know what you mean by the second. Can you tell me which menu structure to build, what to click and what I should then see/not see in terms of css classes?

    Kind regards,

    Hi brangelo,

    I’ve just checked in a possible fix for the bugs you reported. Could you grab the latest development version and try it out to see if this fixes the problems you’ve reported in your first post? I’m kinda hoping it also fixes the second, please let me know.

    Kind regards,

    I am having that issue too. How can you get the development version?

    I downloaded the lates dev version, replaced all files in the plugin folder with those of dev, deactivated and reactivated the plugin and the issue still exists. However, the config screen under menus still looks the same and not like the new screenshot file so maybe I’m not reinstalling correctly

    Reading back through I’m not sure if my problem is the same.

    For example, I have a parent category A with sub categories A1, A2 and A3. I have all sub categories set to remove only if there are no posts. Subcat A1 displays with submenu of posts (2), subcats A2 and A3 do not display and their posts (1 each) show directly under the parent as posts links. I need the parent to display 3 subcats and then sub menus under those.

    Thread Starter wescht


    Sorry for the late reply.

    I had and have v1.0 installed, currently WordPress 4.1.1. But I see the Plugin Page now says that ??

    “I had and have v1.0 installed, currently WordPress 4.1.1. But I see the Plugin Page now says that :)”

    Thanks! ??

    cfbgraphs: I’ve updated the screenshot. Also, I’ve checked in a fix for your bug report in the Dev version. Thanks for reporting, could you grab the Dev version and check if this fixes it?

    For everyone else reading this: If you have a new, different issue, please open a new thread, I can’t keep track of everything if it’s all jumbled together.

    Perfect! Thanks so much!

    I’ve released version 1.0.1 that includes fixes for the bugs reported by brangelog and cfbgraphs.

    Kind regards,

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