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  • The font at the top of familybuisnesstips is really hard to read on an iPad, unless I zoom in all the way. (the black text in the red bar)

    I had never seen this theme before. I noticed it was from woothemes.

    I put Swatch by woothemes on my wife’s page. It’s pretty much stock with a custom logo and a b&w/color image I made. Her page is [link moderated – please start a new topic to promote someone’s WordPres site]
    I don’t personally like the slider woo uses in their themes. I can never get the images to show the way I would like. I prefer the slider on my page because I can put them pretty much anywhere. I have a big one on the front page and some smaller ones for the thumbnails of a few posts. I would recommend my theme to anyone. You can see it [signature moderated]

    Thread Starter Joseph Shaw


    Thanks for the feedback. I’ve really tweaked my freshnews installation at that site. I’ll have to check, but I think i changed the font and probably used something that wasn’t web-safe in my top bar.

    I had issues with my slider until I started using the right dimensions. It’s worked great for me since then.

    I need to get an ipad just so i can test on a mac.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    If you want to send me that link just contact me through my site.

    Have a good one!

    Hi Joseph,

    first, I was able to install a new page without the title on my pages. It was pretty simple with the instructions for m the link you gave me. Thank you. New question – Can I have posts in a category NOT show up on my home page under the slider without having them in the slider? I disabled the slider post so they don’t show up. But I will have a category which will have a lot of post that I don’t want to show up on my home page. Thanks!!
    Site is


    Thread Starter Joseph Shaw


    Hmn… that’s a good question.

    I understand what you want, but I’ve never had a reason to do that. I just did a quick search and found there’s a plugin that may help with that.

    Try this one…

    I included a link to screenshots of the plugin. It looks like it will do exactly what you want.

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