• Word Press Statistics (zip file)
    This is a port to WP 1.2 as a plugin and significant improvement based on the code from GamerZ.
    It features some pretty significant changes and improvements for template integration. Installation instructions are included. It does operate differently than the release by GamerZ, it probably is not compatible with WordPress 1.0.x. Although I’m sure it could be with a few tweaks to the code.
    The original forum for discussion is here.
    I do not currently have a demo online, my website has not been upgraded to WP 1.2 yet, I’ve been testing it locally. Hopefully in the next day or two, I’ll have a sample site online for people to check out.
    If were lucky there won’t be too many issues with it so people can hit the ground running with it when WP 1.2 is released this week.

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  • I put all the htmlspecialchars back so you can check my stats. I have a trackback from Wump Blog that displays » as part of “the author” but you are right, it should be less of an issue. I am more interested in discovering why I get an error when trying to view that particular comment.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Geesh, that is an evil commenters name.
    Dump the htmlspecialchars on the author and see if the link works then. I suppose I’ll have to do that as well, since it is apparently an issue that pops up.
    That htmlspecialchars functioni is probably working against you. Since » is not recognized by the web browser, that is what it is using for the URI.
    Apache does not translate such things so it’s trying to load a page that quite naturally does not exist.
    If getting rid of htmlspecialchars, does not alleviate the problem. We will work out a solution.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    In light of the problems Beel has discovered due to the use of htmlspecialchars() I’ve decided to remove the use of the function from the code entirely.
    This has the potential to make code invalid, but I imagine most authors concerned with the validity of their code will use the html special char code instead of relying on a php script.
    Anyone else run into some fun bugs for me? ??
    Or feature requests/alterations? Things that should be clarified in the install directions?

    Just to report, installed it in latest nightly, works awesomely. Calling it by using:
    Great work!
    Thank you! Recently switched to WordPress, and it’s great.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Excellent. Thank you!
    Just so you know, currently if your not using the Mod Rewrites the links into the comment author pages won’t work correctly (yet).
    Everything else should be fine though.
    Enjoy WordPress, I’ve been using it since it was b2 – well over a year now. It’s treated me fantastically the whole way through!

    Hi again. Here’s what I’ve entered into my .htaccess file :-
    RewriteRule ^stats/author/(.*)?/page/?(.*)?/?$ /weblog.php?wp_stats=1&author=$1&page=$2 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^stats/author/?(.*) /weblog.php?wp_stats=1&author=$1 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^stats/ /weblog.php?wp_stats=1 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^stats /weblog.php?wp_stats=1 [QSA]
    I was sure I got it right.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    It is almost right. I made the assumption that everyone would be using the nice permalinks feature of WP 1.2. Maybe this was foolish, either way. I should clarify. The first line you will need in your .htaccess file is:
    RewriteEngine On
    Without it, everything is a bust.
    If that doesn’t work (or you already have that line), I’ll have to have an experiment in re-naming my weblog.
    In case you haven’t noticed, your page is viewable here:
    With the only thing not working are the links to info on your comment authors (they must have the RewriteRules to link correctly).
    Hope this clears everything up for you.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Actually, this is more of a issue with how your calling your css sheet. Give the full path to it, instead of a referential path.
    Instead of using ../style.css or style.css, use /style.css or /path/to/style.css
    If you look at the generated URIs I’m sure you will easily note that at: /stats/author/Stuart there is no style sheet! ??
    There really isn’t a good solution I can implement that will be clean across the board for everyone. The best thing here is just good clean code.
    Good to hear things are looking up.

    Thankyou. Everything seems to be working fine now. ?? I’ve sorted out weblog.php and all the menu links as well. Now if you’d told me this a week ago I could have done the whole site while I went through it validating to XHTML1.0!! Never mind eh. I’ll work through it slowly. On most pages it’s only the calls to the CSS and the header logo that need sorting. I use the WP menu throughout the site which I’ve just gone through. There are odd links in the content to site pages but not that many.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    A week ago, I was worrying about making a robot move about and draw a map. Not random blog statistics. ??
    Glad everything is working fine. Hopefully you have a better insight into how some of WordPress works now.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Good deal.
    Your stats page looks excellent. ??

    statistics.php was interfering with some of my other hacks so I made a fix you might want to add to the file…
    just below:
    $page = intval($_GET[‘page’]);
    if ($page<1) $page=1;
    This is so $page does not equal 0

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Interesting, would it be better to just call it $stats_page?
    Since were using nice urls, changing the variable name shouldn’t cause you any troubles.
    Or was something else happening?

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Aight. I’ll probably implement your change as well as change the naming. That way, future problems will be better avoided.
    In the future, it probably would be a good habit to make sure variable names and functions identify with the plugin they are in.
    Will post changes sometime tomorrow. Test is a little more pressing.

    I’m having a problem with the .htaccess file.
    RewriteRule ^stats/author/(.*)?/page/?(.*)?/?$ /b2/index.php?wp_stats=1&author=$1&page=$2 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^stats/author/?(.*) /b2/index.php?wp_stats=1&author=$1 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^stats/ /b2/index.php?wp_stats=1 [QSA]
    RewriteRule ^stats /b2/index.php?wp_stats=1 [QSA]
    Is stats/author/ off the root of the server in this example? So it’s https://www.mysite.com/stats/author/?
    And then is /b2/index.php off the root too? So it is https://www.mysite.com/b2/index.php?
    My problem is I still do not have a folder created called stats off my root. Is this folder auto-generated?

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