WP 2 web sites on single Synology server DSM 6 upgrade
HI !!
I have a Synology server at home that hosts two WordPress web sites:
a) https://www.parato2.com.mx folder \web\wpparato2\
b) https://www.sercompetente.uno folder \web\wordpress\ This is the WordPress default installation folderThis morning Synology released a major upgrade to its DSM operating system. I performed the upgraded which upgraded my WordPress installation to version 4.3.2-115
After completing the Synology upgrade I checked both web sites simply navigating to each of them using Chrome and found everything normal. Both sites were live as usual.
I have to mention that I have two ISP internet connections at home. One ISP connection is for the Synology server and the other is for normal web browesing. The second one allows me to connect to my Synology server via Chrome by going to
https://www.sercompetente.uno/wordpress/wp-loginSo after checking both web sites I decided to enter to the parato2 web site as the WordPress admin. I noticed that after typing my userid and password I got a message box indicating: The database needs to be updated and I clicked OK.
After the DB update, I entered as the WP admin and updated WP to version 4.4.2 and also upgraded plug-ins from the dashboard without FTP.
The way I access and enter into the parato2 web site is by simply starting Chrome and typing the URL
https://www.parato2.com.mx/wpparato2/wp-login and I use the WP dashboard check on my web site and see if I have plug-ins pending to be updated, etc.Next I proceeded to try to do the same on web site sercompetente. After login in as admin and being at the WP dashboard I found a message indicating WP 4.4.2 is available “please update now”.
Clicking on “please update now” causes “An automated WordPress update has failed to complete – please attempt the update again now.”
If I try to upgrade plug-Ins I get a screen asking me for FTP parameters.
I have tried all possible combinations of Hostname with my FTP userid and password and FTP and FTPS and cannot pass this point.I ran out of options to try.
The curious thing is that the other web site parato2.com.mx works fine as sercompetente.uno used to work, being able to update everything from the WP dashboard, before the update of the Synology OS.
One thing different now is the “DB needs to be updated” which I did when I entered parato2.com.mx which DID not appeared when I entered sercompetente.uno
Both websites and therefore both WordPress instances use the same DB which is MariaDB
Each web site has its own DB:
https://www.sercompetente.uno uses wordpresslog DB
https://www.parato2.com.mx uses wpparato2 DBAll this boring and endless explanation is to ask if you know where does WP store FTP parameters in the DB so I can query the table and inspect the differences between the 2 DBs? And perhaps apply manual corrections to the sercompetente.uno DB to be able to update plug-ins and WP and themes from the dashboard?
Best regards,
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